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Alter Bridge - Still Remains Alter Bridge - Still Remains |  tlač |
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Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Alter Bridge | This is a kick ass heavy song with great riffs despite no solo! Enjoy &
please rate if u like it! Intro is in 6/8 time (6 beats per bar), but rest
is 4/4 time.
Intro (Guitar 1, light distortion) - play 2x
(0:16) - Intro Repeats but Guitar 2 plays this 2x:
note the timing with the intro riff above & let notes ring
Heavy Riff 1 (0:31) - Guitar 1, 4/4 time, played 2x
|-2-----------------3-2-0-------5-|-2--------------*3~~-0------| * 2nd time is PH
Verse (0:51) - Play Heavy Riff 1 Again, but mute short notes on low Bb string
Lyrics: "I cast a line when I saw you were drowning, but still you"
Verse Pt 2:
"turn your back on me"
Play Heavy Riff 1 Again -
Lyrics: "But you found the fire when you were burning, but still you"
Verse Pt 3:
"never could believe"
Chorus - Guitar 1 Play Chords with 16th note rhythm
1. "So carry on if you must go your way"
2. "Go embrace my heart. Your free will still remains, oh"
() - is Guitar 2's notes in background
(1:40) Play Heavy Riff 1 to go to Verse 2
Verse 2 - Same as Verse 1, but Guitar 2 adds a steady Bb note:
|-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-4-| repeated throughout verse
"To say you fo _ when you were slipping
but still you walk 'round me to run.
So how can you justify the life you're living?"
(2:10) End of verse 2 - Guitar 2,
Guitar 1 plays Verse Pt 3 during this part
(2:15) Play Chorus Again but chorus 2 ends on:
(2:40) Fast Picking riff - Guitar 1 - play 6x
PM_________________________ PM_________________________
**notes are 1st fret, not 11th
During Lyrics, Guitar 2 Adds:
"You'll deny it all, you'll deny me once again"
"But I've seen it all, I know you'll come to crawl back to me before the end"
Fast Picking Riff Ending (both guitars), played 2x
|-2---------------------------|-2---------------------------| add pick scrape
|---0---0---1-1~--0---0-1-2-3-|---4~--4---4-5---5---8-8-8-7-| before chorus
Play Chorus Again, but Guitar 2 plays these notes in a 16th note rhythm:
Ending - Play Fast Picking Riff Ending (2 lines above) then hit open Bb
string to end song.
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| PH pinch harmonic
| PM palm mute
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| r Bend release
| |