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Alter Bridge - Words Darker Than Their Wings Alter Bridge - Words Darker Than Their Wings |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 2010 Pesničku videlo 1078 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Alter Bridge | This song is in a fast paced 6/8 time, but the acoustic part repeats
enough to make it not too hard to play. I think I got the notes pretty
close to accurate, but if so, let me know so I can fix it up. Please
rate if its good!
Acoustic Riff (12-string & 6 string, with reverb)
A Db/Ab
B6 Amaj7
A Db/Ab
B6 Gb/Bb
Verse - Play Acoustic Riff 1x, then repeat final bar
"You say you're alright... I hope that I'm wrong
I know that you try, but still it is gone"
Prechorus - Electric (drop Db tuning)
|-----------------------|-----------------------|---------------------| see
|-3----3---3-3----3---3-|-1----1---1-1----1---1-|---------------------| below
| Acoustic, 12-string
|-----------------------|-----------------------|-0----same pattern---|
Mark: "Just don't you lose hope I swear I'll never
2 "alone. Now don't you let go I swear I still believe
Last bar of prechorus-
| Acoustic
1 "dreamed that we're"
2 "though I don't know"
Play Acoustic Riff again for Verse 2, as before
"Remember the years I still walked tall
I only feared, now I only crawl"
Prechorus 2 (same riff)
"How could I be wrong?
I hope there comes a day your fear is gone
How could we be lost?
Lost just cease to be not carry on"
After prechorus 2 - played 2x into chorus
(1:52) Chorus - Distorted Electric, play through 2x, then repeat
1. "Into the light may you fall Into the light may you"
2. "Into the light may you know Truth alone"
1. "follow"
Break- in 4/4 , played 4x with endings shown
Acoustic - with delay
1st/3rd ending 2nd/4th ending
|---------------------| |---------------------|
|---1----1----0-----0-| |---1----1----0-------|
|----------------2----| |----------------2--0-|
|-0----0----0---------| |-0----0----0---------|
|---------------------| |---------------------|
|---------------------| |---------------------|
(3:05) Heavy Guitar Bridge- Electric (Drop Db tuning), played 2x
D5 Db+ Db5
1. "Go never to ask why Or to fear again"
2. "Go set out towards the sun Let the new begin"
line 2:
1. "Go find your peace tonight"
2. "Go soon your day will come"
(3:43) Play Acoustic Riff 2x with lyrics:
"Your day will come"
Electric Ramp-up part before chorus:
Palm muted**************************** % % %
% notes used again in final chorus as it repeats
Play Chorus Again
(4:37) Ending - 2 Electrics in drop Db, played 4x
Rhythm (* = first note in last bar is omitted on final repeat)
|Lead - All Tremelo picking!
| / slide up
| \ slide down
| h hammer-on
| p pull-off
| ~ vibrato
| + harmonic
| x Mute note
| b Bend
| r Bend release
| |