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Airbourne: Ještě horký klip AIRBOURNE vznikl na turné - spark-rockmagazine.cz | 

Airbourne: Foto: Airbourne, roxy, praha, 2. 10. 2019 - musicweb.cz | 

Airbourne - Bottom Of The Well Airbourne - Bottom Of The Well |  tlač |
 edituj |  export agama |  export txt | | Poznámka: Akordy v závorce jsou alternativou při transpozici - zkuste, co bude znít lépe. Osobně doporučuji tranzpozici -7 z H na G, bezva se to hraje a dá se to i uřvat ;c)
Pesničku videlo 3675 návštevníkov.
Kvalita akordov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
H5 (H) I gotta get out Dsus2 (D) I gotta break free
E Ain't gonna live in A5 (A) miseEry
My minds made up I'm leaving today
Come hell or high water I will break these chains
Gonna scratch my way, claw my way,
Dig my way, back to the top
Cause I never say die, I never give in
I never stop giving it all that I got
I'm F#5 (F#) breaking E out of A5 (A) hell
From the bottom of the H5 (H) well Dsus2 (D) E
It's a D long A way H5 (H) down Dsus2 (D) E
From the D bottom A of the H5 (H) well Dsus2 (D) E
I D gotta A get H5 (H) out Dsus2 (D) E
From the bottom of the well
It's so dark and cold down here
I'm all alone but I got no fear
Cause I have the will to beat this fate
And get back up to the light of day
I'm gonna scratch my way, claw my way,
Dig my way, back to the top
Cause I never say die, I never give in
I never stop giving it all that I got
I'm breaking out of hell
From the bottom of the H5 (H) well Dsus2 (D) E
It's a D long A way H5 (H) down Dsus2 (D) E
From the D bottom A of the H5 (H) well Dsus2 (D) E
I D gotta A get H5 (H) out Dsus2 (D) E, A5 (A)
Dsus2 (D) Diggin and clawing and E scratching and A5 (A) kicking E my H5 (H) way
Dsus2 (D) Back to the top I will E fight for the A5 (A) light E of H5 (H) day
Gonna finde the way
Dsus2 (D)Yeah E, A5 (A) E, H5 (H)
Dsus2 (D)E, A5 (A) E, F#5 (F#) E, A5 (A)
I made a death wish and it came true
I'm under water black and blue
But if you think I'm done you better think again
Cause I don't know the meaning of death
I'm gonna scratch my way, claw my way,
I never stop giving it all that I got
I'm F#5 (F#) breaking E out of A5 (A) hell
I'm A5 (A) breaking D out of E hell
From the bottom of the well
It's a long way down
From the bottom of the well
I gotta get out
From the bottom of the well I gotta get out
From the bottom of the well I gotta get out
From the bottom of the well I gotta get out
From the bottom of the well I gotta get out
From the bottom of the well
(From the bottom of the well I gotta get out)
It's a long way down
(From the bottom of the well I gotta get out)
The bottom of the well
(From the bottom of the well I gotta get out)
I gotta get out
(From the bottom of the well I gotta get out)
I'm F#5 (F#) breaking E out of A5 (A) hell
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