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Chicago: Představitel seriálového Dextera, herec Michael C. Hall, přiváží do Prahy svou kapelu Princess Goes - Američan Michael C. Hall je známá persona. Fanoušci seriálů jej znají z hlavní r... - novinky.cz | 

2pac: TOP 7 hudebních hvězd, které se nedožily třiceti let - TOP 7 hudebních hvězd, které se nedožily třiceti let
Vydáno včera | autor: Domini... - IREPORT | 

Chicago: Shania Twain si vyrobila poriadny TRAPAS: Počas koncertu sa potkla a... To musíte vidieť! - CHICAGO - Na toto vystúpenie bude chcieť čo najskôr zabudnúť. Kanadská hviezda Sha... - topky.sk | 

AHA: Fanúšička zasiahla slávneho speváka ROVNO MEDZI NOHY: Chudááák... Aha, čo nasledovalo! - CHICAGO - Harry Styles (28) sa v posledných rokoch prepracoval na úplný vrchol hudobne... - topky.sk | 

Chicago: Štefan Margita a hostia venujú v O2 arene koncert Hane Zagorovej - Operný spevák, tenorista Štefan Margita, pôsobil v najslávnejších operných domoch... - zoznam.sk | 

Chicago: Nové desky 32/2022 - od Hollywood Undead přes Kasabian po Goo Goo Dolls - Tento týden potěšíme rockery novinkami od Kasabian, Goo Goo Dolls, Hollywood Undead, ... - musicserver.cz | 

Chicago: Nešťastie na hudobnom festivale: Explózia! Spevák takmer prišiel o oko - CHICAGO - Lollapalooza je jedným z najznámejších hudobných festivalov na svete. Uply... - topky.sk | 

Jeff Beck: Nové desky 28/2022 - od Lizzo přes Interpol po Christinu Perri - Že by akorát měly dozrávat okurky? No, v hudebních novinkách tedy rozhodně ne! Tě... - musicserver.cz | 

Chicago: Slut oslavili 30 let a chystají novou desku - Legendární hardcorová kapela Slut oslavila v půlce září třicet let své existenc... - novinky.cz | 

Chicago: Legendární setkání - Sweet Home Chicago - Psal se rok 2007 a v Toyota Parku v Bridgeview v Illinois se uskutečnil již druhý roč... | 

Chicago - King Of Might Have Been Chicago - King Of Might Have Been | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Chicago | Intro:
A F#m D F G
What have I done?
A Dbm7
And why do people run away from what they really want?
D7 Esus E
She, she was the one.
A Dbm7
I know it now just like a blind man feels the setting sun.
D7 Esus E
Once upon a time I had Everything I ever wanted,
And everything I need.
The more she tried to give me, the more I took for granted
her majesty, and I can't believe
Oh, it's really over now and I've got to live without
C Am F
the love I'll never have again.
Fm G
If this is what losing means, then I've lost everything.
C Am F
Now I'm the king of might have been
Fm G C
I'm all alone,
with a hundred percent of nothing now, just a fool upon his throne.
She, she's movin' on.
She's gonna be somebody's everything, and I hope that he knows
that all she ever needed was a chance to be completed
and to feel the light of love.
What shoulda been, what coulda been, doesn't matter now.
She's history and I can't believe
Oh, it's really over now, and I've got to live without
the love I'll never have again.
If this is what losing means, then I've lost Everything.
Now I'm the king of might have, the king of might have been.
Fm Gm Ab Bb C
If I could do it all again,
Dm Gm
I would never let it end, I'd fight for us
C Dm C Dm
If I just had one more chance
Bmdim Esus E
A E Fbm Dbm D
Oh, It's really over now, and I've got to live without
C Am F
The love I'll never have again.
Fm7 G C
If this is what losing means, then I've lost everything.
Am F
Now I'm the king of might have,
Fm7 Gm
The king of might have,
Ab Bb
The king of might have been.
Fm7 G C
C Am F7 |
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