Rok vzniku: 2004 Pesničku videlo 1406 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0ohodnoť aj ty
Autor hudby: Theory of a Deadman
intro(00:00) two guitars on intro guitar 2 with wah or rotovibe
Get on your horse|-----2--2-2--2--2-2-2----------2--2-2--2--2-2-2--|
and ride!! |--3--0--0-0--0--0-0-0--3-3--3--0--0-0--0--0-0-0--|
* this rythm is a little tricky and I put it as close as possible,
listen to the song to get the feel for the rythm.
guitar 2 with wah or rotovibe on Dchord
verse(00:14) "What she said to me..."
|-----------------palm muted----------------------|
palm muted
just before solo starts solo chords artificial harmonic
solo with wah(02:21)
Well I got this as close as i could. The solo is pretty accurate
I feel, but if you have tabbed it better, send it to me. Send
comments and corrections to my mail. Peace
The last time I put a Theory Of A Deadman tab on the net
I got in trouble. I got a letter from some guy saying I
broke some copyright stuff, so ill say this, this isnt
my song, i didnt write it, i just tabbed it.
All rights reserved to Theory Of a Deadman.
Written by: Tyler Connoly
music by: Theory Of A Deadman