Bruce Springsteen - Streets Of Philadelphia Bruce Springsteen - Streets Of Philadelphia |
| Streets of Philadelphia = Ulice Filadelfie
I was bruised and battered = Bol som pomliaždený a zbitý
and I couldn't tell = a nemohol som povedať
What I felt = Čo som cítil
I was unrecognizable to myself = Nepoznával som sám seba
I saw my reflection in a = Videl som môj odraz v
window I didn't know = okne a nepoznal som
My own face = svoju vlastnú tvár
Oh brother are you gonna leave me = Oh brat môj opustíš ma
Wastin' away = Chradnúc
On the streets of Philadelphia = V uliciach Filadefie
I walked the avenue 'till = Kráčal som po ulici kým
my legs felt like stone = moje nohy neboli ako kameň
I heard the voices of friends = Počul som hlasy priateľov
vanished and gone = zmiznúť a odísť
Ain't no angel gonna greet me = Žiadny anjel ma neprivíta
It's just you and I my friend = Si to len ty a ja priateľ môj
My clothes don't fit me no more = Moje oblečenie mi už viac nesedí
I walked a thousand miles = Kráčal som tisíc míľ
Just to slip this skin = Len aby som sa vyzliekol z tejto kože
The night has fallen, = Padla noc,
I'm lyin' awake = ja ležím a bdiem
I can feel myself fading away = Môžem cítiť ako sa strácam
So receive me brother with = Tak ma príjmi brat môj s
your faithless kiss = tvojimi neverým bozkom
Or will we leave each other = Alebo sa necháme navzájom
alone like this = takto osamotení
On the streets of Philadelphia = V uliciach Filadefie |
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