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Garbage: Garbage na letošní jaro nachystali nové album plné světla - Garbage ohlásili na květen své osmé studiové album Let All That We Imagine Be the Li... - musicserver.cz | 

Bleed: Fanúšikovia uprosili Garbage, aby vydali album Bleed Like Me na vinyle - Garbage oznámili vydanie remastrovanej a rozšírenej reedície svojho štvrtého albumu... - zoznam.sk | 

Garbage: Garbage budou rekapitulovat. Na 'Anthology' přihodí i raritní píseň 'Witness To Your Love' - První singlovou kompilaci vydali Garbage před dlouhými patnácti lety - nesla titul "A... - musicserver.cz | 

Garbage: Garbage oslaví dvacáté výročí desky 'beautifulgarbage' rozsáhlou reedicí - Americko-skotská formace Garbage letos přišla se svou sedmou studiovku "No Gods No Mas... - musicserver.cz | 

Garbage: RECENZE: Rozzlobení Garbage na své sedmé, elektronikou prosycené desce 'No Gods No Masters' excelují - Pět let trvalo, než se devadesátkové ikony alternativního rocku Garbage v čele se s... - musicserver.cz | 

Garbage: RECENZE: Růžovou se nenechme zmást. Garbage vydali nejtemnější a nejnaštvanější nahrávku ve své existenci - Garbage vypustili svou sedmou studiovou desku po pěti letech od posledního alba Strange... - IREPORT | 

Garbage: VIDEO: Klip 'The Creeps' od Garbage ukazuje mistrovství animace - Garbage minulý týden vydali svou sedmou řadovku "No Gods No Masters" a před pár dny ... - musicserver.cz | 

Afi: Nová alba: Maroon 5, AFI, Garbage i Sleater-Kinney - Čtyři americké kapely přišly se svými novými alby. Maroon 5, AFI, Garbage i Sleat... - novinky.cz | 

Garbage: RECENZE: Kapela Garbage na novém albu vzdává hold superhrdinkám - Nezajímají nás žádní bozi ani vládci, deklaruje názvem nového alba skupina Garba... - idnes.cz | 

Afi: Nové desky 23/2021 - od Maroon 5 přes AFI po Garbage - Vedle spousty vinylů, které přinesl Record Store Day, budou obchody s hudbou napěchov... - musicserver.cz | 

Garbage - Hammering In My Head Garbage - Hammering In My Head | | I'm stressed but you're freestyle
I'm overworked but I'm undersexed
I must be made of concrete
I sign my name across your chest
Give out the same old answers
I trot them out for the relatives
Company tried and tested
I use the ones that I love the best
Like an animal you're moving over me
Like an animal you're moving over me
When did I get perverted
I can't remember your name
I'm growing introverted
You touch my hand and it's not the same
This was so unexpected
I never thought I'd get caught
Play boomerang with your demons
Shoot to kill and you'll pop them off
Like an animal you're moving over me
Like an animal you're moving over me
You should be sleeping my love
Tell me what you're dreaming of [all 4x]
I knew you were mine for the taking
I knew you were mine for the taking
I knew you were mine for the taking
When I walked in the room
I knew you were mine for the taking
I knew you were mine for the taking
Your eyes light up
When I walk in the room
A hammering in my head don't stop
From the bullet train
From Tokyo to Los Angeles
I'm leaving you behind
A flash in the pan
A storm in a teacup
A needle in a haystack
A prize for the winning
A dead for the raising
A catch for the chasing
A jewel for the choosing
A man for the making in this blistering heat
Sweat it all out
Sweat it all out
With your bedroom eyes and your baby pouts
Sweat it all out
In our electric storms and our shifting sands
Our candy jars and our sticky hands
Sweat it all out [6x]
Don't forget what I wrote you then
And don't forget what I told you then
And don't forget I that meant to win
And don't forget your ventolin
So a hammering in my head don't stop
In the bullet train from Tokyo to Los Angeles.
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