I'm drunk.
= Som opitý
And right now I'm so in love with you.
= A práve teraz ťa veľmi milujem
And I don't want to think too much about what we should or shouldn't do.
= A nechcem príliš rozmýšľať nad tým čo by sme mali a nemali robiť.
Lay my hands on Heaven and the sun and the moon and the stars.
= Polož mi ruky na nebo a slnko a mesiac a hviezdy.
While the devil wants to fuck me in the back of his car.
= Kým ma diabol chce pretiahnuť na zadnom sedadle svojho auta
Nothing quite like the feel of something new.
= Nič nie je podobné pocitu z niečoho nového.
6x Maybe I'm all messed up.
= Možno som celkom skazený
2x Maybe I'm all messed up in you.
= Možno som v tebe celkom skazený.
2x This is the only time I really feel alive.
= Jedine teraz sa cítim naozaj živý.
I swear.
= Prisahám
I just found everything I need.
= Práve som našiel všetko čo potrebujem
The sweat in your eyes the blood in your veins are listening to me.
= Pot v tvojich očiach krv v tvojich žilách ma počúvajú.
Well I want to wrap it up and swim in it until I drown.
= A ja to chcem zabaliť a plávať v tom kým sa neutopím.
My moral standing is lying down.
= Môj morálny postoj si ľahína.