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Limp Bizkit: Fred Durst z LIMP BIZKIT žaluje vydavatelství kvůli desítkám milionů nevyplacených honorářů - Frontman LIMP BIZKIT Fred Durst podal žalobu na nahrávací společnost Universal Music ... - spark | 

Limp Bizkit: Fred Durst se bude soudit o 200 milionů dolarů - Fred Durst, zpěvák americké rockové kapely Limp Bizkit, neměl k rázným krokům i... - rockandpop.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: LIMP BIZKIT si ze sebe zase dělají prdel, tentokrát s použitím genAI - Tři roky po jeho vydání připomínají LIMP BIZKIT album „Still Sucks“ videoklipem... - spark | 

Diiv: VIDEO: DIIV si do klipu k Brown Paper Bag pozvali Freda Dursta z Limp Bizkit - Jak už od nás možná víte, chystají DIIV na 24. května desku Frog In Boiling Water.... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: FOTOGALERIE: Limp Bizkit zahráli v Praze - Velikáni nu-metalu se po letech vrátili do Česka. Beznadějně vyprodané Forum Karlí... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: NAžIVO: Limp Bizkit vrátili Forum Karlín do devadesátek - Po několika odkladech se do České republiky konečně vrátili nu-metaloví matadoři ... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: Limp Bizkit už o dva týždne zbúrajú Prahu. Pred návratom do Európy sa v klipe zmenili na Putina, Bidena aj Zelenského - Jedna z najvýraznejších kapiel nu metalu sa 3. apríla predstaví fanúšikom v pražs... - zoznam.sk | 

Limp Bizkit: VIDEO: Zelenskyj, Biden i Putin si zahráli v klipu Limp Bizkit 'Out Of Style' - Jak by to vypadalo, kdyby si světoví lídři Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelen... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: Fred Putin, Wes Biden a DJ Zelenskyj – LIMP BIZKIT natočili nejvtipnější klip roku - Aktuální album LIMP BIZKIT „Still Sucks“ je venku od podzimu 2021, kapela ho však ... - spark | 

Elton John: Vedel si, že Elton John hral na Tyršáku, Limp Bizkit v Seredi či The Offspring v Terchovej? Tieto koncerty sa už nezopakujú - Poď sa s nami zviesť na vlne nostalgie a pripomeň si legendárne slovenské koncerty s... - Refresher.sk | 

Limp Bizkit - Livin' It Up Limp Bizkit - Livin' It Up | | livin' it up
this is dedicated to you ben stiller you are my favorite mother fucker i told you, didn’t i drama makes the world go around does anybody got a problem with that (yeah) my business, is my business who’s guilty, can i get a witness first things first, chocolate starfish my man fred durst access hollywood license to kill a redneck fucker from jacksonville bringing on the dumpster fuck a microphone machete’s in the back of my truck rock’in so steady with the he says she says and don’t forget about the starfish navigation system don’t hate me, i’m just an alien with 37 tons of new millenium dum ditty dum, where’s it coming from misses aguilera, come and get some oh no which way to go, to the dance flow in stewa-stereo pay me no mind i seen the fight club, about 28 times and i’m a keep my pants sagging keep a skateboard, a spray can for the taggin’ and i’m a keep a lot of girls on my band wagon cause i don’t give a fuck livin’ life in the fast lane i’m just a crazy mother fucker livin’ it up, not givin’ a fuck livin’ life in the fast lane another crazy mother fucker livin’ it up, not givin’ a fuck life in the fast lane take two (why) now who’s the starsucker? i’m the starfish, you silly mother fucker puff puff give, the marijuana cig oops, i don’t even smoke, but i love the way it smells here’s a toast to the females, sippin’ mums champagne from a seashell i take a counterfeit, and pop his ass like a zit with starfish navigation system no cheap thrills baby fill the briefcase with three dollar bills i’m just an ordinary run of the mill, fella spittin’ out hella mic skills and i’m a keep my pants sagging keep a skateboard, a spray can for the taggin’ and i’m a keep a lot of girls on my band wagon cause i don’t give a fuck livin’ life in the fast lane i’m just a crazy mother fucker livin’ it up, not givin’ a fuck livin’ life in the fast lane another crazy mother fucker livin’ it up, not givin’ a fuck in the fast lane cause it’s so easy to tell a lie and it’s so easy to run and hide but it’s not easy to be alive so don’t be wasting none of my time this world is like a cage and i don’t think it’s fair and i don’t even think that anybody cares it’ll eat a hole (what) down inside of me (what) and it will leave a scar (what) can anybody see (what) that we gotta get it out , gotta get it out we gotta get it out, we gotta get it out we gotta get it out, we gotta get it out and i’m a get it out with a mother fuckin’ microphone plug it in my soul i’m a renegade riot gettin’ out of control i’m a keepin’ it alive and continue to be flying like an eagle to my destiny so can you feel me, hell yeah can you feel me, hell yeah can you feel me, hell yeah if you feel me mother fucker then you say, hell yeah then you say, hell yeah then you say, hell yeah i’m livin’ life in the fast lane cause it’s so easy to tell a lie and it’s so easy to run and hide but it’s not easy to be alive so don’t be wasting none of my time yeah, bring it on i’m just a crazy mother fucker livin’ it up, not givin’ a fuck livin’ life in the fast lane another crazy mother fucker livin’ it up, not givin’ a fuck in the fast lane
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