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Fanúšikov: 0


Who - A Quick One While He´s Away
Who - A Quick One While He´s Away


Rok vzniku: 1966
Pesničku videlo 2990 návštevníkov.

Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia
Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty
Autor hudby: The Who
D       xx0232                    Fsus4/C 1(3)3311
G/D xx0433 Cadd2 x30010
D7 xx0535 G6sus4 3x2010
G 3x0003 and 3x0033 A7sus4 x02233
C/G 3x2013 D/A x002xx
G7 xx3033 D/C x302xx
A6 x02222 D5 xx0235
Bm7 x24232 and 7x7777 G5 3x00xx
Gadd9/B 3x0233 A5 x022xx
Am x02210

[Her Man's Been Gone]

Her man's been gone for nearly a year
He was due home yesterday but he ain't here
Her man's been gone for nigh on a year
He was due home yesterday but he ain't here

[Crying Town]


D G/D D7 G/D D G/D D7 2

|D G/D |D7 G/D |D G/D | D7 G/D |
Down your street your crying is a well-known sound
|D G/D |D7 G/D |D G/D | D7 |
Your street is very well-known, throughout your town
|G C/G |G7 C/G |G C/G |G7 C/G |
Your town is very famous for the little girl
|D G/D |D7 G/D |D G/D | D7 G/D |
Whose crying can be heard all around the world

||:D G/D | D7 G/D | D G/D | D7 G/D :||
Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh Ooh ooh ooh ooh ooh

[We Have A Remedy]
A (Asus2)(Asus4) etc.

|A A|A |
Fa la la la la la Fa la la la la
Fa la la la la la Fa la la la la

|A6 A|A6 |
We have a remedy you'll appreciate,
|A A|A |
No need to be so sad, he's only late
|D D|D |
We'll bring you flowers and things, help pass your time
|D |
We'll give him eagle's wings
|D |A Asus4 |Asus2 A |E Esus4 |E7
Then he can fly to you

|E EE|E |
Fa la la la la la Fa la la la la
|A AA|A |
Fa la la la la la Fa la la la la
Fa la la la la la Fa la la la la

|E Esus4 |E | D Dsus4 | D |

||:A AA|A AA:||4
We have a remedy Fa la la la la la la

We have a remedy. We have!
Little girl (guide), why don't you stop your crying?
Asus4 A
I'm gonna make you feel all right

[Ivor The Engine Driver]

E 2

| E |B D |E |
My name is Ivor, I'm an engine driver
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/w/who/34844.html ]
|E |B D |E
I know him well, I know why you feel blue

E |B D |E
Just 'cause he's late don't mean he'll never get through

|A |E
He told me he loves you, he ain't no liar, I ain't either
|B |D E E Esus4 |E |E
So let's have a smile for an old engine driver
|B |D E E Esus4 |E |E
So let's have a smile for an old engine driver

Please take a sweet (take a sweet)
Come take a walk with me (take a walk with me)
We'll sort it out (sort it out)
Back at my place (back at my place, maybe)

It'll come right, you ain't no fool, I ain't either
So why not be nice to an old engine driver?
Better be nice to an old engine driver
Better be nice to an old engine driver

[Soon Be Home]

C Dm7

||:C | | |
We'll soon be home, we'll soon be home
|Dm7 | |C | :||
We'll soon, we'll soon, soon, soon be home We'll

Come on, old horse

Soon be home, soon be home
We'll soon, soon, soon be home

We'll soon, we'll soon, soon, soon be home

[You Are Forgiven]

|D |A |C |Gadd9/B|F |Fsus4/C|Esus4|A
Dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang, dang

|D |Asus4 |D |Asus4 A |

||:D |Asus4 A :||4
Cello, cello, cello, cello, cello, cello, cello, cello

|D DDD|Asus4 A |D DDD|Asus4
I can't believe it Do my eyes deceive me?
A |D DDD|Asus4 A |D D D Dsus4 |D |
Am I back in your arms? Away from all harm?

|Cadd2 | |D D D/A D/C D D/C| D D
It's like a dream to be with you again
[palm mute ]

|Cadd2 | |D D D/A D/C D D/C| D D
Can't believe that I'm with you again

|D D D/A D/C D D/C |D D |
Mow mow ma--mow-ma-mow mow mow

|D5 [palm mute]| Dsus4 [palm mute] |

|D |Asus4 A |D |Asus4 A
I missed you and I must admit I kissed a few and once did sit
|Cadd2 |G6sus4 |Cadd2 |G |D DD|
On Ivor the Engine Driver's lap and later with him, had a nap

||:G A7sus4 |D DD:||4

[repeat w/ below fills]
|G5 A5 |D ||:G5 A5 |D :||
You are forgiven You are forgiven
(you are for-giv----en) (you are for-)

| G A | D || G A |D ||
[*toggle pickup selector]

|G Asus4 A |D D DCDC|G G A A |
[pause] You are for-
(You are forgiv------e........n)

||:D |G G A A :||
-given You are for-
(You are forgiv---e...n)

|D ||:G5 A5 |D D :||
-given forgiven Forgiven Forgiven Forgiven Forgiven For-
(you are forgiv------en) (you are forgiv-

[end] [spoken]
|G G A A |D |A D
Know you're forgiven
You're all forgiven

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(C) 2002 - Pavol Bacigál - kontakt: info@supermusic.sk