

|  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 1965 Pesničku videlo 2732 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: The Who | B/A x0444x
G/D xx0787
D/C x30230
G6/B x20030
E/F 122100
Dv xx0775
|D |A |D |A |
||:A/A/A/A A |G/D Dv :||A/A/A/A A |
|A |Bb |C | |
Grace space race
|A E ||:B/B/B/B B |A E :||B/B/B/B B |
|B |B/A |B |B/A |B |A |B |A/A/A/A A | |
|D | |
Everything they've seen you have seen
| |D/C |
Everywhere they've been you have been
[2/4 ]
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/w/who/89845.html ]
|D/C | |G6/B A |D |
Everything they've done you have been and done already
Every lovely spot near or far, you can reach them too in your car
Or you might be there now if you own a Jag already
|F# |C# |F# |C# |
|F# |C#
The radio blasting, the girls are glancing
|F# C# |E | |
The dash is dancing with gleaming dials
||:A E |E/E/E/E E :||
|E |E/F |G
Grace space pace
Grace space race
||:G/D Dv|A/A/A/A A :||
G/D Dv |A|G/D Dv |A|G/D Dv |A|G A|D
Ja--guar, ja--guar, ja--guar, jag-u-ar
| |