Pink Floyd

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Pink Floyd

Fanúšikov: 7


Pink Floyd - The Wall Version 3
Pink Floyd - The Wall Version 3




Rok vzniku: 1969
Pesničku videlo 4587 návštevníkov.

Kvalita akordov : bez hodnotenia
Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty
Transpozícia:   [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Pink Floyd
# C Gsus C
# It was just before dawn one miserable morning in black forty-four
# C
# When the foreward commander was told to sit tight,
# F/C C
# When they asked that his men be withdrawn
# C
# And the generals gave thanks, as the other ranks
# Gsus C
# Held back the enemy tanks for a while
# C Gsus
# And the Anzio Bridgehead was held for the price
# C
# Of a few hundred ordinary lives
# C G C G
# And kind old King George sent Mother a note when he heard that Father
was gone
# C G C
# It was, I recall, in the form of a scroll with gold leaf and all
# C
# And I found it one day in a drawer of old photographs hidden away
# C Gsus
# And my eyes still grow damp to remember
# C
# His Majesty signed with his own rubber stamp
# C G C
# It was dark all around, there was frost on the ground
# G
# When the Tigers broke free
# C
# And no-one survived from the Royal Fusiliers, Company "C"
# G C G C
# They were all left behind, most of them dead - the rest of them dying
# C G C
# And that's how the high command took my daddy from me
# In The Flesh ?
# -- --- ----- -
# A D/A A D/A A Bm C#m E
# A D
# So ya thought ya might like to go to the show
# A
# To feel the warm thrill of confusion
# D
# That space cadet glow
# A
# Tell me is something eluding you sunshine?
# Bm E7
# Is this not what you expected to see?
# C#m
# If you wanna find out what's behind these cold eyes?
# E
# You'll just have to claw your way through this disguise
# A D A D A D A E A
# The Thin Ice
# --- ---- ---
# C Am
# Mamma loves her baby
# F G
# and daddy loves you too
# C Am
# and the sea may look warm to you babe
# F G
# and the sky may look blue
# C G F C/G Am
# Ooooooooooooh babe
# C G F C/G Am Am7 Am6
# Oooooooh baby blue
# C G F C Am D7 G
# Ooooooooooh ooooooh babe
# C Am
# If you should go skating
# F G
# On the thin ice of modern life
# C Am
# Dragging behind you the silent reproach
# Fmaj7 G
# Of a million tear stained eyes
# C Am
# Dont be surprised, when a crack in the ice
# F G
# Appears under your feet
# C Am
# You slip out of your depth and out of your mind
# F G
# With your fear flowing out behind you
# N.C.
# As you claw the thin ice
# Another Brick in the Wall part 1
# ------- ----- -- --- ---- ---- -
# Dm
# Daddy's flown across the ocean
# Dm
# Leaving just a memory
# Dm
# A snapshot in the family album
# Dm G
# Daddy what else did you leave for me
# Gm Dm
# Daddy what d'ya leave behind for me
# F C Dm
# All in all it was just a brick in the wall
# F C Dm
# All in all it was all just bricks in the wall
# The Happiest Days of our Lives
# --- -------- ---- -- --- -----
# Dm Gm Am
# G Am
# When we grew up and went to school
# G
# There were certain teachers who would
# Am C Am
# Hurt the children any way they could
# Am F
# By pouring their derision upon anything we did
# Am Em Am
# Exposing every weakness, however carefully hidden by the kids
# D Bb
# But in the town it was well known when they got home at night
# Gm
# Their fat and psychopathic wives would thrash them
# C7
# Within inches of their lives
# F Bb F Bb F Bb F
# Another Brick in the Wall part 2
# ------- ----- -- --- ---- ---- -
# Dm
# We don't need no education
# Dm
# We don't need no thought control
# Dm
# No dark sarcasm in the classroom
# Dm G
# Teachers leave them kids alone
# G Dm
# Hey teacher leave them kids alone
# F C Dm
# All in all it's just another brick in the wall
# F C Dm
# All in all you're just another brick in the wall
# Mother
# ------
# G D7 C G C G
# Mother do you think they'll drop the bomb
# G D7 C G C G
# Mother do you think they'll like the song
# C G C G
# Mother do you think they'll try to break my balls
# D C G
# Ooh ah Mother should I build a wall
# G D7 C G C G
# Mother should I run for president
# G D7 C G C G
# Mother should I trust the government
# C G C G
# Mother will they put me in the firing line
# D C G C G
# Ooh ah, is it just a waste of time ?
# G C
# Hush now baby don't you cry
# F C
# Mama's gonna make all of your nightmares come true
# F C
# Mama's gonna put all of her fears into you
# F C
# Mama's gonna keep you right here under her wing
# F C
# She won't let you fly but she might let you sing
# F C G D7 G
# Mama's gonna keep baby cosy and warm
# D C D C D C G
# Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe, of course mama's gonna help build the wall
# G C G C G C D C G
# G C G C G C G
# Mother do you think she's good enough for me ?
# G C D7 C G C G
# Mother do you think she's dangerous for me ?
# C G C G
# Mother will she tear your little boy apart ?
# D C G
# Ooh ah, Mother will she break my heart ?
# G C
# Hush now baby, baby don't you cry
# F C
# Mama's gonna check out all your girlfriends for you
# F C
# Mama won't let anyone dirty get through
# F C
# Mama's gonna wait up untill you come in
# F C
# Mama will always find out where you've been
# F C G Am G
# Mama's gonna keep you healthy and clean
# D C D C D C G C G
# Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe Ooooh Babe, you'll always be a baby to me.
# N.C. C
# Mother, did it need to be so high.
# Goodbye Blue Sky
# ------- ---- ---
# D Bm
# Ooooooooooooooooooh
# Am B/A
# D-d-d-did you see the frightened ones ?
# Am B/A
# D-d-d-did you hear the falling bombs ?
# Am B/A
# D-d-d-did you ever wonder
# Am A7
# Why we had to run for shelter
# D A
# When the promise of a brave new world
# D Bm
# Unfouled beneath a clear blue sky ?
# D Bm
# Ooooooooooooooooooh
# Am B/A
# D-d-d-did you see the frightened ones ?
# Am B/A
# D-d-d-did you hear the falling bombs ?
# Am B
# The flames are all long gone
# D
# But the pain lingers on
# A7/D G/D D
# Goodbye Blue Sky
# A7/D G/D D
# Goodbye Blue Sky
# D Am/D
# Goodbye
# What Shall We Do Now ? (Empty Spaces has no chords, just bass.
# ---- ----- -- -- --- - I don't have the chords to What Shall ...)
# What shall we use to fill the empty spaces
# Where waves of hunger roar
# Shall we set out across this sea of faces
# In search of more and more applause
# Shall we buy a new guitar
# Shall we drive a more powerful car
# Shall we work straight - through the night
# Shall we get into fights
# Leave the lights on
# Drop bombs
# Do tours of the East
# Contract diseases
# Bury bones
# Break up homes
# Send flowers by phone
# Take to drink
# Go to shrinks
# Give up meat
# Rarely sleep
# Keep people as pets
# Train dogs
# Race rats
# Fill the attic with cash
# Bury treasure
# Store up leisure
# But never relax at all
# With out backs to the wall
# Young Lust
# ----- ----
# Fm Fm7 Bb
# I am just a new boy
# Fm
# A stranger in this town
# Fm7
# Where are all the good times
# Fm Bbm7 Fm7 Ab
# Who's gonna show this stranger around?
# Bbm Ab
# Ooooooooh I need a dirty woman
# Am Bbm Fm
# Ooooooooh I need a dirty girl
# Fm
# Will some cold woman in this desert land
# Fm
# Make me feel like a real man
# Fm
# Take this rock and roll refugee
# Bbm Fm Ab Fm
# Oooh Babe set me free
# Bbm Ab
# Ooooooooh I need a dirty woman
# A Bbm Fm Fm7 Fm
# Ooooooooh I need a dirty girl.
# One of my Turns
# --- -- -- ----
# C Em
# Day after day, love turns grey
# F C
# Like the skin of a dying man
# C Em
# And night after night, we pretend it's all right
# Dm
# But I have grown older and
# Dm
# You have grown colder and
# Dm G7
# Nothing is very much fun anymore.
# C Em F C
# And I can feel one of my turns coming on.
# C Fmaj7 Em Dm
# I feel, cold as a razor blade
# Dm
# Tight as a tourniquet
# Dm G7
# Dry as a funeral drum
# Eb Bb Eb Bb
# Run to the bedroom, in the suitcase on the left
# C7 Dm Bb E7 Dm Am Dm Am
# You'll find my favourite axe
# Bb
# Don't look so frightened
# Eb Bb
# This is just a passing phase
# Dm
# One of my bad days
# Bb Eb Bb
# Would you like to watch T.V.?
# Eb Bb
# Or get between the sheets?
# Dm
# Or contemplate the silent freeway?
# Dm
# Would you like something to eat?
# Eb
# Would you like to learn to fly? Would you?
# Dm
# Would you like to see me try?
# D G C Eb Bb Eb Bb Dm Eb Bb Eb Bb Dm
# Am7 Dm7 C Eb
# Would you like to call the cops?
# Eb
# Do you think it's time I stopped?
# Gm(9)
# Why are you running away?
# Don't Leave Me Now
# ----- ----- -- ---
# G G+ Fm7
# Ooooh Babe
# Dm7-5
# Don't leave me now.
# Bb11
# Don't say it's the end of the road
# Remember the flowers I sent
# G
# I need you Babe
# G+
# To put through the shredder
# In front of my friends
# Fm
# Ooooh Babe
# Dm7-5
# Don't leave me now
# Bb11
# How could you go?
# G
# When you know how I need you.
# G+
# To beat to a pulp on a Saturday night
# Fm
# Ooooh Babe
# Fm(maj7) Dm7-5
# Don't leave me now
# Bb9
# How can you treat me this way?
# Running away
# G
# Ooooooh babe
# Dm Am Dm Am Dm Am Dm G7 Am
# Why are you running away? Oooooooh
# Another Brick in the Wall part 3
# ------- ----- -- --- ---- ---- -
# Dm Dm7
# I don't need no arms around me
# Dm Dm7
# I don't need no drugs to calm me
# Dm
# I have seen the writing on the wall
# Dm G
# Don't think I need anything at all
# Dm
# No don't think I need anything at all
# F C Dm
# All in all it was all just bricks in the wall
# F C Dm
# All in all you were all just bricks in the wall
# Goodbye Cruel World
# ------- ----- -----
# D
# Goodbye cruel world
# G
# I'm leaving you today
# D A D
# Goodbye, Goodbye, Goodbye
# D
# Goodbye all you people
# G
# There's nothing you can say
# D A
# To make me change my mind
# D
# Goodbye.
# Hey You
# --- ---
# Em Dm Em Dm
# Em(9)
# Hey you! out there in the cold
# Bm
# Getting lonely, getting old, can you feel me
# Em(9)
# Hey you! standing in the aisles
# Bm
# With itchy feet and fading smiles, can you feel me
# D D7 G D C
# Hey you! don't you help them to bury the light
# Bm Am Em Dm
# Don't give in without a fight.
# Em(9)
# Hey you! out there on your own
# Bm
# Sitting naked by the phone would you touch me
# Em(9)
# Hey you! with your ear against the wall
# Bm
# Waiting for someone to call out would you touch me
# D D7 G D C
# Hey you! would you help me to carry the stone
# Bm Am Em
# Open your heart, I'm coming home
# Am Em Am Em Am Em
# C D G D C
# But it was only a fantasy
# C G D C
# The wall was too high, as you can see
# C D G D C
# No matter how he tried he could not break free
# D7 Em Dm Em Dm Em Dm Em Dm
# And the worms ate into his brain.
# Em(9)
# Hey you! out there on the road
# Bm
# Doing what you're told, can you help me
# G Em(9)
# Hey you! out there beyond the wall
# Bm
# Breaking bottles in the hall, can you help me
# D D7 G D C
# Hey you! don't tell me there's no hope at all
# Bm Am Em(9)
# Together we stand, divided we fall.
# Is There Anybody Out There?
# -- ----- ------- --- ------
# Is there anybody out there?
# Nobody Home
# ------ ----
# Am C+ C D7 F Fm
# C
# I've got a little black book with my poems in
# E
# I've got a bag with a toothbrush and a comb in
# F C
# When I'm a good dog they sometimes throw me a bone in
# F C
# I got elastic bands keeping my shoes on
# E E7
# Got these swollen hand blues.
# F C
# Got thirteen channels of shit on the T.V. to choose from
# C
# I've got electric light
# C7
# And I've got second sight
# F Fm C E7 D7/F# G
# I've got amazing powers of observation
# G E7/G#
# And that is how I know
# Am C+ C6
# When I try to get through
# C/G D
# On the telephone to you
# Fm6 C F
# They'll be nobody home
# C
# I've got the obligatory Hendrix perm
# E E7+
# And the inevitable pinhole burns
# F C
# All down in the front of my favourite satin shirt
# F C
# I've got nicotine stains on my fingers
# E
# I've got a silver spoon on a chain
# F C
# I've got a grand piano to prop up my mortal remains
# C
# I've got wild staring eyes
# C7 F
# I've got a strong urge to fly
# Fm C E Am D7 G E7
# But I've got nowhere to fly to
# Am C D7
# Ooooh Babe when I pick up the phone
# Fm6 C F C
# There's still nobody home
# F C
# I've got a pair of Gohills boots
# E E7
# And I've got fading roots
# Vera
# ----
# G(no 3rd) D(no 3rd) Em
# Does anybody here remember Vera Lynn ?
# C(no 3rd) D(no 3rd) G D C(no 3rd)
# Remember how she said that we would meet again
# Em Am Em(no 3rd) Am D G C Em
# Some sunny day
# G(no 3rd)
# Vera! Vera!
# D Gmaj7
# What has become of you ?
# C D(no 3rd) Em Bm C/E Em
# Does anybody else in here feel the way I do?
# Bring the Boys Back Home
# ----- --- ---- ---- ----
# C D G
# Bring the boys back home
# C D G
# Bring the boys back home
# C D G D C
# Don't leave the children on their own
# Csus D7 Em
# Bring the boys back home
# Comfortably Numb
# ----------- ----
# Bm
# Hello
# A
# Is there anybody in there ?
# G Em
# Just nod if you can hear me
# Bm
# Is there anyone at home ?
# Bm
# Come on now
# A
# I hear your feeling down
# G Em
# I can ease your pain
# Bm
# And get you on your feet again
# Bm
# Relax
# A
# I'll need some information first
# G Em
# Just the basic facts
# Bm
# Can you show me where it hurts?
# D A
# There is no pain you are receding
# D A
# A distant ship smoke on the horizon
# C G
# You are only coming through in waves
# C G
# Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
# D A
# When I was a child I had a fever
# D A
# My hands felt just like two ballons
# C G
# Now I've got that feeling once again
# C
# I can't explain, you would not understand
# G
# This is not how I am
# A Bm C(9) G D
# I have become comfortably numb.
# A D A C G C G
# A D G D
# I have become comfortably numb.
# Bm
# O.K.
# G
# Just a little pinprick
# Em
# There'll be no more aaaaaaaah!
# Bm
# But you may feel a little sick
# Bm Bm(9) Bm
# Can you stand up?
# A
# I do believe it's working, good
# G
# That'll keep you going through the show
# Bm
# Come on it's time to go.
# D A
# There is no pain, you are receding
# D A
# A distant ship smoke on the horizon
# C G
# You are only coming through in waves
# C G
# Your lips move but I can't hear what you're saying
# D A
# When I was a child, I caught a fleeting glimpse
# D A
# Out of the corner of my eye
# C G
# I turned to look but it was gone
# C
# I cannot put my finger on it now
# The child is grown
# G
# The dream is gone
# Asus A G C(9) G D
# And I have become comfortably numb.
# The Show Must Go On
# --- ---- ---- -- --
# G C G C G C
# G C G C G
# Oooh Ma Oooh Pa, must the show go on ?
# D Bm6
# Oooh Pa take me home
# D Bm6
# Oooh Ma let me go
# Cmaj7
# There must be some mistake, I didn't mean to let them
# G C G
# Take away my soul, Am I too old is it too late ?
# D G C
# Oooh Ma Oooh Pa
# G
# Where has the feeling gone?
# D G C
# Oooh Ma Oooh Pa
# Will I remember the songs?
# D G C Gsus/C G
# Oooh ah - The show must go on.
# In The Flesh
# -- --- -----
# A D/A A D/A A Bm C#m E
# A D
# So ya thought ya might like to go to the show
# A
# To feel the warm thrill of confusion
# D
# That space cadet glow
# A
# I've got some bad news for you sunshine
# Bm
# Pink isn't well he stayed back at the hotel
# C#m
# And they sent us along as a surrogate band
# E
# We're gonna find out where you fans really stand
# A
# Are there any queers in the theater tonight
# D
# Get 'em up against the wall
# A
# There's one in the spotlight
# He don't look right to me
# D
# Get him up against the wall
# A
# And that one looks Jewish
# And that one's a coon
# Bm Bm6
# Who let all this riff raff into the room
# C#m
# There's one smoking a joint and
# Another with spots
# E
# If I had my way
# A Bb
# I'd have all of you shot
# Run Like Hell
# --- ---- ----
# D A/D Dsus D G6/D G/D D(9) D
# D A/D Dsus D G6/D G/D D(9) D
# Gb Gb(9) Gb Gbmaj7 Bb Bb7 Bb+ Bb
# Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
# Eb
# Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
# Fm
# You better make your face up in
# Your favourite disguise
# F#
# With your button down lips and your
# Roller blind eyes
# Fm
# With your empty smile
# And your hungry heart
# Db
# Feel the bile rising from your guilty past
# B7
# With your nerves in tatters
# When the cockleshell shatters
# E
# And the hammers batter
# Down your door
# D Dm
# You better run
# D A/D Dsus D G6/D G/D D(9) D
# Gb Gb(9) Gb Gbmaj7 Bb Bb7 Bb+ Bb
# Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
# Eb
# Run, run, run, run, run, run, run, run
# F
# You better run all day
# And run all night
# F#
# And keep your dirty feelings
# Deep inside. And if you're
# F
# Taking your girlfriend
# Out tonight,
# Fm Db
# You better park the car
# Well out of sight
# B7
# 'Cos if they catch you in the backseat
# Trying to pick her locks
# E
# They're gonna send you back to mother
# In a cardboard box
# D
# You better run.
# D A/D Dsus D G6/D G/D D(9) D
# Waiting for the Worms
# ------- --- --- -----
# G C G C
# Ooooh you cannot reach me now
# G C
# Ooooh no matter how you try
# D C
# Goodbye cruel world it's over
# G
# Walk on by
# G C G Am
# Sitting in a bunker here behind my wall
# G C
# Waiting for the worms to come
# G C G Am
# In perfect isolation here behind my wall
# G C
# Waiting for the worms to come
# Am G
# Waiting to cut out the deadwood
# Am C
# Waiting to clean up the city
# Am G Am
# Waiting to follow the worms
# G
# Waiting to put on a black shirt
# Am
# Waiting to weed out the weaklings
# Waiting to smash in their windows
# G
# And kick in their doors.
# Am
# Waiting for the final solution
# G
# To strengthen the strain
# Am G Am
# Waiting to follow the worms
# Waiting to turn on the showers
# G
# And fire the ovens
# Am
# Waiting for the queers and the coons
# G
# and the reds and the Jews
# Am G Am
# Waiting to follow the worms
# G
# Would you like to see Britannia
# C G C Bm Am
# Rule again my friend
# Am G Em
# All you have to do is follow the worms
# G
# Would you like to send our coloured cousins
# Bm C G C
# Home a--gain my friend ?
# Am G Em
# All you need to do is follow the worms.
# Stop
# ----
# Em (all the way through the song ...)
# Stop
# I wanna go home
# Take off this uniform
# And leave the show
# And I'm waiting in this cell
# Because I have to know
# Have I been guilty all this time
# The Trial
# --- -----
# Fm
# Good morning worm your honour
# The crown will plainly show
# Gb/F
# The prisoner who now stands before you
# Fm
# Was caught red handed showing feelings
# D
# Showing feelings of an almost human nature
# C7
# This will not do
# Call the schoolmaster
# Fm
# I always said he'd come to no good
# In the end your honour
# G/F
# If they'd let me have my way I could
# Fm
# Have flayed him into shape
# Ab
# But my hands were tied
# Ao
# The bleeding hearts and artists
# Eb
# Let him get away with murder
# Let me hammer him today
# Fo Fm Cmaj7 C
# Crazy toys in the attic I am cra---zy, truly gone fishing
# Gm Eb Eo
# They must have taken my marbles away
# Fo Fm Cmaj7 C
# Crazy toys in the attic I am cra---zy
# Call the defendants wife
# Fm
# You little shit, you're in it now
# F7-9
# I hope they throw away the key
# You should have talked to me more often
# Fm
# Than you did, but no you had to
# Go your own way. Have you broken any
# Homes up lately?
# Db
# "Just five minutes Worm your honour
# C
# Him and me alone"
# Fo
# Babe
# Gm G Cm
# Come to mother baby let me hold you
# G Cm
# In my arms
# Ab Ao
# M'lud I never wanted him to get in any trouble
# Eb/Bb
# Why'd he ever have to leave me
# Worm your honour let me take him home
# Fo Fm Cmaj7 C
# Crazy over the rainbow I am cra---zy
# Gm
# Bars in the window
# Eb Eo
# There must have been a door there in the wall
# When I came in
# Fo Fm Cmaj7 C
# Crazy over the rainbow he is cra---zy
# Fm
# The evidence before the court is
# Bbm
# Incontravertable, there's no need for
# The jury to retire
# Fm
# In all my years of judging
# I have never heard before of
# Bbm
# Someone more deserving
# The full penalty of law
# Fm
# The way you made them suffer
# Your exquisite wife and mother
# Bbm
# Fills me with the urge to defecate
# Fm
# Since, my friend, you have revealed your
# Deepest fear
# Bbm
# I sentence you to be exposed before
# Your peers.
# Fm Bbm
# Tear down the wall.
# Outside the Wall
# ------- --- ----
# C F C
# All alone, or in twos
# C F C
# The ones who really love you
# G G7 C F C
# Walk up and down outside the wall
# C F C
# Some hand in hand
# F C
# Some gathered together in bands
# G
# The bleeding hearts and artists
# C F C
# Make their stand
# F C
# And when they've given you their all
# Am F C
# Some stagger and fall, after all it's not easy
# G7
# Banging your heart against some mad buggers
# C
# Wall
Tab from:

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Wish You Were Here - akordy a text

Wish You Were Here Chords - akordy a text

Comfortably Numb - akordy a text

Time - preklad

Another Brick in the Wall, part 2 - akordy a text

Wish You Were Here Drum Version - taby

High Hopes - akordy a text

Wish You Were Here (česky) - akordy a text

Wish You Were Here - text

Lost For Words - akordy a text

Seamus - preklad

Fat Old Sun - preklad

Pigs On The Wing (Part One) - preklad

Hey You - akordy a text

The Wall - Comlete - akordy a text

Mother - akordy a text

Shine On You Crazy Diamond - preklad

High Hopes - taby

Breathe - akordy a text

Echoes - akordy a text


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