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Metronome Prague: RagnBone Man vystoupí na festivalu Metronome Prague 2025 - Metronome Prague postupně odtajňuje velká hudební jména, která ozdobí program nadc... - musicserver.cz | 

Metronome Prague: Metronome Prague oznámil první hvězdu, dorazí Alanis Morissette - Thank U, Ironic, You Oughta Know a další megahity zazní v červnu 2025 na Výstavišti... - IREPORT | 

Metronome Prague: Alanis Morissette zazáří na Metronome Prague 2025 - Thank U, Ironic, You Oughta Know a další megahity zazní v červnu na Výstavišti Prah... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: Alanis Morissette překročila padesátku: Zpěvačka obřího hitu se za 30 let skoro nezměnila - Alanis Morissette se zřejmě nejvíce zapsala do povědomí široké veřejnosti devades... - extra.cz | 

Grammy: Alanis Morissette oslavuje 50 rokov a vyráža na turné - Kanadská speváčka, skladateľka a gitaristka Alanis Morissette oslavuje životné jubi... - zoznam.sk | 

Adele: Nové desky 24/2022 - od Foals přes Sigmu po Grey Daze s Chesterem Benningtonem - S blížícím se létem si můžete zatancovat se Sigmou nebo Foals. Bude je doplňovat ... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: RECENZE: Alanis Morissette se vzdala písniček a víceméně i zpěvu - Aby bylo jasno, nová deska Alanis Morissette se z její dosavadní diskografie vymyká. ... - idnes.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: Alanis Morissette vydá v létě meditativní desku. Poslechněte si první ukázku - Kanadská písničkářka Alanis Morissette připravuje poměrně nečekanou nahrávku. P... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: Alanis Morissette pracuje na sitcomu na motivy svého života. No, není to ironické? - Život Alanis Morissette byl asi pořádná legrace. Zpěvačka totiž oznámila, že pro... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: MINIRECENZE: Sydney Sprague na 'maybe i will see you at the end of the world' doufá až do konce - Když před čtvrtstoletím vydala Alanis Morissette desku "Jagged Little Pill", zárove... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette - Front Row Alanis Morissette - Front Row | | do you go to the dungeon to find out how to make peace with your days in the dungeon writing a letter
to you didn't make me feel any more peaceful then how I felt when we weren't speaking because I
didn't cop to what I did. I can't love you because we're supposed to have professional boundaries. i'd
like you to be schooled and in awe as though you were kissed by god full on the lips . i'm in the front
row the front row with popcorn I get to see you see you close up i'm too tired to recount the
unpleasantries one by one one minute I want to banish you the next I want to be on
a deserted island with you along with my three favorite cd's ambivalent yet in your
bed we've yet to acknowledge what really happened
slid into the ditch I have this overwhelming loss of ambition we said let's name thirty good reasons why
we shouldn't be together I started by saying things like "you smoke" "you live in new jersey (too far)"
you started saying things like "you belong to the world" all of which could have been easily
refuted but the conversation was hypothetical I am totally short of breath for you why can't you shut
your stuff off..... i'm in the front row the front row with popcorn I get to see you see you close up
and I laughed until my lungs hurt I love how you bust my chops you don't always
feel seen sometimes you feel erasable unfortunately I cannot reciprocate in my
current state I think we should be careful of how much time we spend together
........for a while i'm speaking you know how much you hate to be interrupted maybe spend some
time alone to fill up your proverbial cup so that it doesn't always have to be about you i've been wanting
your undivided attention I like the fact that you're nothing like me are you not burdened by the lack of
perspective people have of your charmed life i'm in the front row the front row with
popcorn I get to see you see you close up you never meant to be ungrateful nor held up to
be whipped or wept for certainly not analysed prodded at more ways than one
apparently you've been misrepresented dealing with the concept of arrows being
slung towards your outrageous fortune
hey i'm not mad at you guardian i'm mad at myself for spending so much time with you and your
jeckyl and hydeness i'm glad i figuratively slapped you on the wrist you laughed a wicked laugh
and said "come here let me clip your wings!"(i know he's blood but you can still turn him away you
don't owe him anything) "raise the roof" he yelled "yeah raise the roof!" I yelled back. (unfortunately
you needed a health scare to reprioritize.) no thanks to the soap box. having me rile against them
won't make an ounce of difference...... i'm in the front row the front row with popcorn. I get to see
you see you close up oh the things i've done for you many a sitch a friend a man's
been left for you oh the books i've read for you the tongues i've bitten for you many
a new city for you many a risk taken for you (not a single regret)
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