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Bruce Springsteen - I´ll Work For Your Love Bruce Springsteen - I´ll Work For Your Love | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen |
Am7 x02010 | Dsus2sus4 xx0030
C x32010 | D/F# 2x023x thumb on 6th string
C/B x22010 | Em7 022030
C/E xx2010 | G 320033
D xx0232 | G/D xx0433
Dsus xx0233 | G/F# 220033
----------------- PIANO INTRO 0:00 – 0:15 -----------------
G G/F# Em7 G/F# C Dsus G D C D G Em7 D Dsus2sus4 D
----------------- VERSE 1 0:16 – 0:45 -----------------
G G/F# Em7 G/F# C D G G/F#
Pour me a drink, Theresa, in one of those glasses you dust off
C D G G/F# Em7 C D
And I'll watch the bones in your back like the Stations of the Cross
G G/F# Em7 G/D C D G G/F#
'Round your hair, the sun lifts a halo; at your lips, a crown of thorns
C D G G/F# Em7 C D
Whatever other deal’s goin' down, to this one I'm sworn
----------------- CHORUS 0:46 – 1:02 -----------------
C/E D/F# G
I'll work for your love, dear
C D G G/F#
I'll work for your love
C D G G/F# Em7 D
What others may want for free
C D G G/F# C D
I'll work for your love
----------------- VERSE 2 1:03 – 1:33 -----------------
G G/F# Em7 G/F# C D G G/F#
The dust of civili-zations and loves sweet remains
C D G G/F# Em7 C D
Slip off of your fingers and come driftin' down like rain
G G/F# Em7 G/D C D G G/F#
The pages of Revel-ation lie open in your empty eyes of blue
C D G G/F# Em7 C D
I watch you slip that comb through your hair, and this I promise you
Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/99575.html
----------------- CHORUS 1:34 – 1:47 -----------------
C/E D/F# G
I'll work for your love, dear
C D G G/F#
I'll work for your love
C D G G/F# Em7 D
What others may want for free
I'll work for your love
----------------- SOLO 1:48 – 2:02 -----------------
G G/F# Em7 G/D C D G G/F# C D G G/F# Em7 D C D G
----------------- BRIDGE 2:03 – 2:17 -----------------
D C/E D/F# G
Your tears, they fill the ros’ry; at your feet, my temple of bones
Here in this perdition we go on and on
----------------- VERSE 3 2:18 – 2:48 -----------------
G G/F# Em7 G/F# C D G G/F#
Now our city of peace has crumbled; our book of faith's been tossed
C D G G/F# Em7 C D
And I'm out here searchin' for my own piece of the cross
G G/F# Em7 G/D C D G G/F#
The late afternoon sun fills the room with the mist of the garden before the fall
C D G G/F# Em7 C D
I watch your hands smooth the front of your blouse, and seven drops of blood fall
----------------- CHORUS + CODA 2:49 – 3:36 -----------------
C/E D/F# G
I'll work for your love, dear
C D G G/F#
I'll work for your love
C D G G/F# Em7 D
What others may want for free
I'll work for your...
C D G G/F# Em7 D
What others may want for free
I'll work for your...
C D G G/F# Em7 D
What others may want for free
I'll work for your love
G G/F# Em7 G/D C C/B Am7 D/F# G
| |