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 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 1992 Pesničku videlo 3222 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen | Standard tuning with capo on third; standard chord names indicated
G Gadd9 C Dsus2 Em11
(Bruce does a very open strum (indicated now as Em11) during the chorus between two chords)
Intro: G and Gadd9
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/138884.html ]
G Gadd9
Out where the creek turns shallow and sandy
G Gadd9
And the moon comes skimmin' away the stars
G Gadd9 G
The wind in mesquite comes rushin' over the hilltops
C G Gadd9 G Gadd9
Straight into my arms, straight into my arms
G Gadd9
I'm ridin' hard carryin' a catch of roses
G Gadd9
And a fresh map that I made
G Gadd9 G
Tonight I'm gonna get birth naked and bury my old soul
C G Gadd9
And dance on its grave, and dance on its grave
Dsus2 Em11 G C
It's been a long time comin' my dear
Dsus2 Em11 G C
It's been a long time comin' but now it's here
G Gadd9 G Gadd9
Yeah now it's here
G Gadd9
Well my daddy he was just a stranger
G Gadd9
Lived in a hotel downtown
G Gadd9
When I was a kid he was just somebody
Somebody I'd see around, somebody I'd see around
G Gadd9
Well now down below and pullin' on my shirts
G Gadd9
I've got some kids of my own
G Gadd9
If I had one wish in this godforsaken world, kids
It'd be that your mistakes'd be your own
G Gadd9 G Gadd9
Yeah your sins'd be your own
Dsus2 Em11 G C
It's been a long time comin' my babe
Dsus2 Em11 G C
It's been a long time comin' but now it's here
G Gadd9 G Gadd9
Yeah now it's here
Bridge: G C G C G C
G Gadd9
Out 'neath the arms of Casseopeia
G Gadd9
Where the sword of Orion sweeps
G Gadd9
It's me 'n' you Rosie we're cracklin' like crossed wires
And you're breathin' in your sleep
G Gadd9 G Gadd9
Yeah you're breathin' in your sleep
G Gadd9
There's just a spark of campfire left burnin'
G Gadd9
Two kids in sleeping bags beside
G Gadd9 G
I reach 'neath your shirt 'n' lay my hands 'cross your belly 'n' feel
Another kickin' inside
G Gadd9 G Gadd9
And I ain't gonna fuck it up this time
Dsus2 Em11 G C
It's been a long time comin' my dear
Dsus2 Em11 G C
It's been a long time comin' but now it's here
Dsus2 Em11 G C
It's been a long time comin' my babe
Dsus2 Em11 G C
It's been a long time comin' but now it's here
G Gadd9 G Gadd9 G
Yeah now it's here
(Fade out) |
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