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Bruce Springsteen - Murder Inc Bruce Springsteen - Murder Inc |  tlač |
 edituj | | Rok vzniku: 2002 Pesničku videlo 3048 návštevníkov.
Kvalita tabov : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | Autor hudby: Bruce Springsteen | INTRO
(Em) (D) (G) (A)
D.-----(piano arr.for guitar)------|I
Main riff (0:12) (guitar 1)
Em D G A 4x (drums,bass & organ enter 3rd time)
(Guitar 2 plays full chords)
VERSE 1 (w/riff) (0:29)
Em D G A Em D G A
Bobby's got a gun that he keeps beneath his pillow (oh yeah)
Em D G A Em D A G
Out on the street your chances are zero (oh yeah)
CHORUS (0:46)
Em D
Take a look around you (come on now)
It ain't too complicated you're messin' with
Em D G A Em D G A
Murder______ incorporated_____
VERSE 2 (1:03)
Now you check over your shoulder everywhere that you go (oh yeah)
Walking down the street there's eyes on every shadow (oh yeah)
CHORUS 2 (1:20)
You better take a look around you (come on now)
that equipment you got's so outdated you can't compete with
Murder Incorporated everywhere you look now
Murder Incorporated oh!
SAX SOLO (1:46) arranged for guitar (very daring)
Em D G A Em D G A
(B)R b r
--* use wide vibrato to emulate sax sound on long notes-------------|I
[ Tab from: http://www.guitaretab.com/b/bruce-springsteen/128707.html ]
Em D G A Em D G A
(B)R B - - - R
GUITAR SOLO (2:03) (not very precise, check the record for phrasing)
Em D G A Em D G A
> >
Em D G A Em D G A
B b - - - - - r
BRIDGE (2:19)
Bm D
So you keep a little secret down deep inside your dresser drawer
Bm D
Dealing with the heat just leaves you down on the killing floor
Bm D
No matter where you step you feel you're never out of danger
C B7
(?) go playin' some (?) I hear that too
you got
VERSE 3 (2:35)
down down down memories are hurtful (murder...)
Everywhere you look life ain't got no soul (oh yeah)
CHORUS 3 (2:55)
That apartment you live in feels like it's just a place to hide
When you're walking down the street you won't meet no one eye to eye
Em D
Now the cops will point at you as just another homicide
I could tell you was just frustrated from livin with
Murder Incorporated
Em D G A Em D G A ...
Murder Incorporated
Murder Incorporated everywhere you look now
Murder Incorporated etc.
(repeat until fade)
'Murder Inc.'was recorded in the BitUSA sessions 1982-1984
and was originally planned to be the title track of the
album in making. However, it still remains officially unreleased.
Luckily bootleg versions circulate widely among fans :-)
Comments welcome,
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