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Epica: EPICA láká na album „Aspiral“ nabušeným singlem - EPICA láká na své nejnovější album pořádně chytlavým singlem.
... - spark | 

Epica: EPICA avizuje nové album duchovní skladbou „Arcana“ - Už když zpěvačka Simone Simons v létě vydávala sólové album „Vermillion“, ho... - spark | 

EPIC: Metalfest Open Air 2025: Legendární King Diamond se vrátí do plzeňského amfiteátru - Mezinárodní metalový festival Metalfest Open Air, který se již čtrnáct let let kon... - musicserver.cz | 

Amon Amarth: Festival Rock Castle rozpálí Moravský Krumlov. Přijedou Amon Amarth, Kreator nebo Epica - Stále relativně nové jméno na domácí festivalové mapě, zato s line-upem, jaký si... - musicserver.cz | 

Delain: Charlotte a Simone - Společně o antidepresivech - Nejen fanoušci DELAIN jistě netrpělivě očekávají vydání nového alba jejich dnes... - spark | 

EPIC: TOPFEST SLOVAKIA 2023: Na tretí deň pálilo slnko aj ohne. Návrat k víkendu plnému rocku, metalu a punku - Počas záverečného dňa festivalu TOPFEST SLOVAKIA 2023 sa RC letiskom Abrahám niesol... - spark | 

Apocalyptica: APOCALYPTICA, EPICA - 24. 3. 2023, Brno, Hala Vodova - Epickou Apokalypsu neboli společné turné APOCALYPTIKY a EPIKY doprovázejí ještě fi... - spark | 

Apocalyptica: FOTOGALERIE: Apocalyptica a Epica v obrazech - Brno se konečně dočkalo několikrát odložené The Epic Apocalypse Tour 2023. Jako p... - musicserver.cz | 

Apocalyptica: Apocalyptica a Epica už v pátek rozeznějí Brno - Dlouho očekávaná a několikrát odkládaná hudební událost, "The Epic Apocalypse To... - musicserver.cz | 

Apocalyptica: VIDEO: Apocalyptica a Epica zvou na turné společnou verzí skladby 'Rise Again' - Finská Apocalyptica a holandská Epica spojily síly pro plánované evropské turné, k... - musicserver.cz | 

Epica - Storm The Sorrow Epica - Storm The Sorrow | | Along the way I find myself
To be confined within me
No place for any other's mind to interfere
To grasp the meaning of it all
To overcome my limits
And dance away from any void and empty tones
Just tell me why
Just tell me how I can survive this time
Believe yourself and look away
From all that's right within you
Leave all your worries at the door
And drift away
I’ve tried to peer into the core
But could not storm the sorrow
My hollow heart has bled me dry, left me to stray
Another time
Without a trace
Condemn me now
Send me to hell
For I'm already failing
Intertwine the lines
That swim beneath the dark
Realize the pain we live in
Demonize the need we reel in
In the memories I'll dig deep enough to know
Centuries of dreams unending
Another me that yielded tears
When someone had betrayed
No time should ever go to waste
It’s not that complicated
You’re free to live your life at ease
No more restraints
No heed for shadows on your way
That try to steal your laughter
Your light will drive them all away
Be confident
Will I refrain?
Can I repent?
Will you be there?
Erase the page
For I’m alone and ailing
Intertwine the lines
That swim beneath the dark
Realize the pain we live in
Demonize the need we reel in
In the memories I'll dig deep enough to know
Centuries of dreams unending
Another me that yielded tears
When someone had betrayed
This is my life
And it can't break me down
I will decide
Who can come in
And heal my disease
Burn it in flames
Kill it and maim
Why can't you see that you need to be freed
Intertwine the lines
Beneath the dark
Every bit of pain were feeling
Every other solemn life
In the memories you will find somehow
There used to be a dream unending
No more need to be ALONE
Intertwine the lines
That swim beneath the dark
Realize the pain we live in
Demonize the need we reel in
In the memories I'll dig deep enough to know
Centuries of dreams unending
Another me that yielded tears
When someone had betrayed |
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