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Backstreet Boys: Fanoušci pláčou. Chystá se posmrtné album Aarona Cartera, láká na něj song Recovery - Zpěvák Aaron Carter, bratr staršího Nicka z Backstreet Boys, byl v listopadu roku 202... - evropa2.cz |
Backstreet Boys: Zpěvák Aaron Carter se utopil ve vaně poté, co si vzal léky na předpis - Zpěvák Aaron Carter zemřel v pouhých 34 letech loni v listopadu. Bratra člena Backst... - idnes.cz |
Aaron Carter: Pitva konečně odhalila skutečnou příčinu smrti zpěváka Aarona Cartera (?34) - Pět měsíců po tragickém úmrtí zpěváka
... - super.cz |
Backstreet Boys: VIDEO: Nick Carter se dojemným klipem k písni 'Hurts to Love You' vyrovnává se smrtí bratra Aarona - Minulý týden to byly dva měsíce, co zemřel Aaron Carter. Jeho náhlá smrt zasáhla ... - musicserver.cz |
Backstreet Boys: Bolesť v priamom prenose: Nick Carter sa počas koncertu zosypal... Takto komentoval smrť svojho brata (†34)! - LONDÝN - Svoj žiaľ neskrýval! V nedeľu večer sa v Londýne konal jeden z koncertov ... - topky.sk |
Aaron Carter: Vo veku 34 rokov zomrel spevák a raper Aaron Carter - Vo veku 34 rokov zomrel v sobotu známy americký spevák a raper Aaron Carter. Jeho telo... - zoznam.sk |
Backstreet Boys: Ve věku 34 let zemřel zpěvák Aaron Carter - Los Angeles - Ve věku 34 let zemřel rapper a herec Aaron Carter, který se proslavi... - ceskenoviny.cz |
Backstreet Boys: Ve 34 letech zemřel zpěvák Carter. Bratra člena Backstreet Boys našli ve vaně - Ve věku 34 let zemřel zpěvák, raper a herec Aaron Carter, který se proslavil jako d... - idnes.cz |
Backstreet Boys: Zemřel Aaron Carter. Bratrovi Nicka z Backstreet Boys bylo 34 let - Ve věku nedožitých 35 let zemřel Aaron Carter. Amerického zpěváka, rappera a herce... - musicserver.cz |
Aaron Carter: Z toho mrazí: Aaron Carter na posledním koncertu zpíval, že ‚odejde‘. Za dva dny jej našli mrtvého ve vaně - Jak už jsme vás informovali, v sobotu nečekaně tragicky zemřel zpěvák Aaron Carter... - super.cz |
Aaron Carter - Aaron's Party(get It) Aaron Carter - Aaron's Party(get It) | | [Talking:]
Here's a little bit of old school for ya,
That goes a little something like this...
I always tried to be the flyest kid in the block
The popular one with the rising stock
So that's when I had this bright idea
(Throw the party of the month)
No, the party of the year
All the fine girls couldn't turn it down
Now all I gotta do is get my parents out
Should I send them to a movie
(No, send them to a show)
Let me think, hmmm
It's gotta be long though
I said Mom, Dad, yo why ya sittin home
It's a Friday night, have you seen Aunt Joan
And don't worry about stayin' out too long
Don't fuss over me, I'll be fine alone
Have a good time...
The door bell rings cuz the party's here
I'm crankin' up the stereo like it's New Years
Walkin' 'round the house like who's Da Man
(Nobody can do it like Aaron can)
First on the floor, you know that's me
Bustin' out the moves like it's MTV
I'm guessin' where I'm goin' cuz I lost my head
Then I jumped on table, this is what I said
People all around you gotta
(Come get it)
Everyone together sing it loud
(Come get it)
Jump all around, come on
(Come get it)
(Come get it)
Say it again
(Come get it)
People all around you gotta
(Come get it)
From the left to the right, make noise
(Come get it)
Here we go now, come on
Uh uh what what
Na na na na... Na na na na...
Things are goin' great
Then to my surprise
Some people walked in, I didn't recognize
I said fellows, yo, ya gotta get out
(Hey man I heard this was an open house)
Open house?
(Yeah that's what the flyers said)
Well I didn't put out flyers
(Well somebody did)
Then walked in
The girl I'm crushin'
And the kid spilled juice
On my Mom's new cushion
I turned around and
Another kid broke the lamp
(I hope they weren't expensive)
They got them from France
For now I won't sweat it
I'll clean it up later
There's a honey over there
And I really wanna meet her
People all around you gotta
(come get it)
Everyone together sing it loud
(come get it)
Jump all around come on
(come get it)
(come get it)
Say it again here we go, uh
(come get it)
People all around you gotta
(come get it)
From the left to the right, make noise
(come get it)
Here we go now, come on
Uh uh what what
Aaron C's in the house, here we go
Come with it
Break it down
(go go go go go...)
Is that a car door
Oh dang, I'm in trouble
Everybody get out now
On the double
I'm dead (your done) that's it for me
I'm gonna be picked off my family tree
Once Mom finds out 'bout this party I had
I don't wanna even start thinkin' about dad
I'm hustlin around the house
Trying to clean up the mess
I sure put my new white Nikes to the test
The car door slammed
And they're walking up the steps
I guess life is good with 10 seconds left
Aaron C's in the house, come on
(come get it)
Uh uh what what
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