

Ash - Girl From Mars Ash - Girl From Mars | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
ADo you remember the Etime I knew a Girl From Dmaj7Mars?
I don't Bmi7know if you knew that
AOh we'd stay up late playing Ecards Henri Winterman Dmaj7Cigars
Though she Bmi7never told me her Dname
I still Elove you Girl From AMars
Sitting in Da Edreamy Ddaze by the Bmi7water's edge
On a Dcool Esummer's Anight
Fireflies Dand Estars in the Dsky
Gentle Bmi7glowing light DFrom your EcigaArette
The BreeDze Eblowing Dsoftly Bmi7on my face
DReminds me Eof something Aelse
Something Dthat Ein my Dmemory has Bmi7been replaced
DSuddenly Eall comes Bmi7back
And as I Dlook Eto the Astars...
I remember Dthe Etime I knew a Girl From Dmaj7Mars
I don't Bmi7know if you knew that
AOh we'd stay up late Dplaying Ecards
Henri Winterman Dmaj7Cigars
Though she Bmi7never told me her Dname
I still Elove you Girl From AMars
Searching through Dthe Edarkness
And Dover the Bmi7moonlit stand
ElecDtricity Ein the Aair
Twisting Dall Ethrough the Dnight on the Bmi7terrace
DNow that the Esummer is Ahere
I know Dthat Eyou are Dalmost in Bmi7love with me
I can Dsee it Ein your Aeyes
Strange lights DshimEmering
DOver the Bmi7sea tonight
And it Dalmost Eblows my Bmi7mind
And as I Dlook Eto the Astars...
I remember Dthe Etime I knew a Girl From Dmaj7Mars
I don't Bmi7know if you knew that
AOh we'd stay up late Dplaying Ecards
Henri Winterman Dmaj7Cigars
Though she Bmi7never told me her Dname
I still Elove you Girl From AMars
Today aEsleep in the Dmaj7chair by the Bmi7window
It Dfelt as if Eyou'd reAturned
I thought that Eyou were Dmaj7standing Bmi7over me
When I Dwoke there was Eno-one Bmi7there
I still Dmaj7love you the EGirl From AMars
Do you remember Dthe Etime
I knew a Girl From Dmaj7Mars?
I don't Bmi7know if you knew that
AOh we'd stay up late Dplaying Ecards
Henri Winterman Dmaj7Cigars
And Bmi7I still dream of Dyou
I still Elove you Girl From AMars
A E Dmaj7 Bm7 D
E ---0--0---2----2--2-------------------
B ---2--0---2----3--3-------------------
G ---2--1---2----2--2-------------------
D ---2--2---0----4--0-------------------
A ---0--2---0----2----------------------
E ------0-------------------------------
Am i nice to you or what?
Just my way of saying thankyou.
ENJOY!!! People.
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