

Helicó - MARS & VENUS Helicó - MARS & VENUS | | Choruz:
Would U try to tell me if your life was scary?
Is your life so ordinary?
It´s freaky, It´s scary!
And your life´s so ordinary.
M&V 4 1:
Let me tell about tha Mars contra Venus story, 4eva2getha, nevaendin´ fitz a jealousee and any otha stuff, stuff. R U monogamee buff, buff? From tha point of ma view daz definitelee not 4 da Hustlaz. As a love affair´s significant 4 everee woman as to get a piece of azz iz masta item 4 tha man. But let´z get 2 anotha split of our silkee dizcourze. I´d like 2 talk about some of interestin´ of courze. If we all can awake to tha gaps at men´z & women´z mind. We can´t struggle 2 change it even if we can´t get tha sign. Relation undastandin´, luv affair streakin´, bubblin´ ova with natural humour ´n nize freakin´...It generally used 2 tell dat women r inclined to take a both brain piecez at onze, iz it a win? Man, automatically wheneva jus´ onlee one...´bout tha theme we can discuzz til´ tha last sun!
M&V 4 2:
When a woman´z worried about, she startz 2 find a help in someone 2 hear her out. She´z in need of couchin´ her sensez. It´z usuallee not a long time 2 start 2 tell. He doez fasta to settle a problem to welly-well. She needz to talk about it scrutinizinglee...un4tunatelee, want a man in da lee! He keepz in touch with sensez of hiz own thru acczionz, her fat avowal makez him big 1! When he getz into bigga conzentratin´ 2 direct handlin´ of her questionz or fat crux, ratha ma tip´z 4 him:...peepin´ a game of White Sox! ´cuz he gotta extend a soulful succour, It´z in da name of a big shotz. Now ya know ma flow 2 MandV thang. If datz too hard 2 undastand well, blink blink! But one´s 4 real, woman´z like a fox or heffa, in general termz she´z from Venus ´n dis is how it iz 4eva!
M&V 4 3:
Let me depoze daz at diggin´ a stepz. U can get tha message in 2 steppaz, steppin´ iz not of tha hapz. One of tha gapz (bumm-bumm) 4 example: "she" 2 stepz back, "he" 2 stepz ahead and reverzal! Principal swing a human relationz conziztz rite in dat 4 keepz, non´ fiction. There r still tha timez when 2 back off. Any relation´z painted ba seazonz where they both r way off. Whereupon they retire into own shell. W-w-w well w-w-w...believe in ma bold contentionz, breakinups iz a game onlee 4 lame doggz&catz, flame 2 flame! B 2getha, b happee, b 1 on 1 2 last breath. It´z like an 8th World Miracle beginnin´ tha prime contact...a comin´ verbal conflict we can debus but onlee jus´ with slambang respect between uz.
Life´s unpredictable
and steps inevitable
It´s freaky, It´s scary!
And your life´s so ordinary.
Choruz: (3 x)
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