

Hooters - And we danced Hooters - And we danced | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
{ci:Intro: D E F#m A D E }
She was a Dbe-bop Ababy on a Ehard day's F#minight E, F#mi
She was Dhangin' on AJohnny, he was Eholdin' on Atight E, F#mi
Well, I could Dfeel her Acoming from a Emile aF#miway E, F#mi
There was Dno use Atalking, there was Enothing to Asay
When the Eband beF#migan to Dplay and play
®:And we Adanced, like a Dwave on the Aocean, romancedA, F#mi - We were
Dliars in Elove
And we Adanced, swept Daway for a Amoment by chanceA, F#mi - Yeah, we
Ddanced and danced and danced
I met my Dbe-bop Ababy at the EUnion F#miHall E, F#mi, D
She could Ddance all Anight and shake the Epaint off the Awalls
E, F#mi, D
But when I Dsaw her Asmile across a Ecrowded F#miroom E, F#mi
Well I Dknew we'd have to Aleave the Eparty Asoon
As the Eband begF#mian to Dplay out of tune
{c:Chorus, Intro}
DThe endless beatE, she's walking my way
AHear the music Dfade when she says
Are we Dgetting too close, do we Edare to get closer
The room is F#mispinning as she Dwhispers my name
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