Simon & Garfunkel - Song For the Asking Simon & Garfunkel - Song For the Asking | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
D7 HGere is my song fCor the Emiasking
Ami7ask me and I will plHay
sH7o swCeetly I'll mGake you smileD7, G
this is my tune fCor the tEmiaking
tAmi7ake it don't turn awHay
H7I've been wCaiting Gall my lCifeD7, G
thEmiinking it over I've been sHmi, Had
thG#diminking it over I'd be mAmiore than glD7ad
to chGange my wG7aysE fCor the Emiasking
Ami7ask me and I will plHay
H7all the lCove that I hGold insidCe.G, D7, G
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