The Streets

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The Streets

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The Streets - Fit But You Know It
The Streets - Fit But You Know It



Pesničku videlo 3721 návštevníkov.

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('Scuse me girl, I know it's a bit embarrasing
but I just noticed some tan lines on your shirt there)

See I reckon You're about an 8 or a 9,
Maybe even 9 and a half in four beers time.
That blue top shop top you've got on IS nice,
Bit too much fake tan though - but yeah you score high.

But there's just one thing thats really really,
Really really annoying me about you you see.
Yeah yeah like I said you are really fit,
But my gosh don't you just know it.

I'm not trying to pull you
Even though I would like to
I think you are really fit
You're fit But my gosh don't you know it

So when I looked at you standing there with your hoard,
I was waiting in the queue looking at the board
Wondering whether to have a Burger or chips
Or what the shrapnel in my back pocket could afford
When I noticed out the corner of my eye
looking toward my direction
Your eyes locked on my course
I couldn't cocentrate on what I wanted to order,
Which lost me my place in the queue I waited for YEAH

I'm not trying to pull you
Even though I would like to
I think you are really fit
You're fit But my gosh don't you know it

Whoa! Leave it out
Are you smoking crack or something?
Leave it out
Mike just leave it just leave it
We cannot have that behavior in this establishment
S'not worth it mike, just leave it
Don't Touch Me, S'not Worth it
Don't Touch Me, D, Look I'm Allright Don't Touch Me

For a while there I was thinking - yeah but what if?
Picturin' myself pullin with bare white hot wit
Snarin you as you were standing there opposite
Whether or not you knew it I swear you didn't tick
And when that bloke in the white behind us lot queuing
Was clokin onyo you too yeah I had to admit
That yeah yeah you are fit,
And yeah I do want it,
But I stop sharkin' a minute to get chips and drinks

I'm not trying to pull you
Even thogh I would like to
I think you are relly fit
You're fit But my gosh don't you know it

Now, I bashed my head hard earlier two to the brew
But I am digressing slightly so I'll continue
I didn't want to bowl over or geezer an rude
Not rude like good but just rude like uncouth
You girls think you can just flirt and it comes to you
Well let me tell you see yes yes you are really rude
And rude as in good I knew this as you stood in queue
But I just did not wanna give this satisfaction to you

I'm not trying to pull you
Even though i would like to
I think you are really fit
You're fit But my gosh don't you know it

Oy, just as you started to make your big advance
With the milkshake and that little doughnut in hand
I was like nah, I can't even thogh you look grand
But you look sharp there smilin hard suggesting and
Gleaming away with your hearty hearty lookin tan
But I admit the next bit was spanner to my plan
You walked towards my path but you just brushed right past
And into the arms of that fucking white shirted man

I'm not trying to pull you
Even though I would like to
I think you are really fit
You're fit But my gosh don't you know it

Oh what do I give a fuck I've got a girlfriend anyway
(whoa, we,ve all had a drink mate)
We're all a bit drunk, yeah we've had a few fair play
i got this stella I bombed from that last cafe
This nights not even begun, yes yes oh yay

I did fancy you a bit though yeah I must say
I would rather I hadn't mugged myself on display
But this is just another case of female stop and play
On otherwise a total result of a holiday

I'm not trying to pull you
even thogh I would like to
I think you are really fit
You're fit But my gosh don't you know it

Ha ha ha

You're fit you're fit but you know it

You're fit but you knw it

I think I'm goin to fall over
I think I'm goin to fall
Fuck you dale

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