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G, Emi, Hmi 3x
C, G, C, G, D 2x
GSleep don't Hmivisit, so I Cchoke on Gsun
And the Cdays blur Ginto Done
And the Cbacks of my Geyes hum with Cthings I've Gnever Ddone
GSheets are Hmiswaying from an Cold clothesGline
Like a Crow of Gcaptured Dghosts over Cold dead Ggrass
Was never Cmuch but we Gmade the Dmost
Welcome Emihome C, G, Emi, C, G
Emi, C, G, Emi, C, G
GShips are Hmilaunching Cfrom my Gchest
Some have Cnames but Gmost do Dnot
If you Cfind one, Gplease let me Cknow what Gpiece I've Dlost
GHeal the Hmiscars from Coff my Gback
I don't Cneed them Gany Dmore
You can Cthrow them Gout or keep them Cin your Gmason Djars
I've come Emihome C, G, Emi, C, G
Emi, C, G, Emi, C, G
Emi, C, G, Emi, C, G
All my Eminightmares Cescaped my Ghead
Bar the Emidoor, please don't Clet them Gin
You were Eminever Csupposed to Gleave
Now my Emihead's splitting Cat the Gseams
And CI don't Gknow if DI can
Emi, G 4x
CHere, Gbeneath Dmy
Clungs,I Gfeel Dyou
Cthumbs Gpress Dinto
Emimy Dskin again
Emi, G, Emi, G
Emi, G, Emi, G
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