Gaelic version:
An ataireachd bhuan, Cluinn fuaim na h-ataireachd árd,
Tha torunn a' chuain, Gun mhuthadh, gun truas,
A sluaisreadh gainneimh na trágh'dAn ataireachd bhuan.
Gach lád le a stuadh, Cho luaisgeach , farumach, bán,
'N a chabhaig gu cruaidh,'S e gruamach, dosrach, gun sgáth,
Ach striochdadh a luath 's Aig bruaich na h-uidhe bh'aig,
Bha uair's a bhaile-sa támh, Mar chaochail an sluagh.
Ag amharc mu'n cuairt, Cha dual dhomh gun a bhi 'm phrámh,
Cha'n fhaic mi an tuath, De 'm shuaicheant' cathrannas tláth,
'N am fňgaraich thruagh, Chaidh 'm fuadach thairis air sál.
Fir sgiursaidh an t-sluaigh, Cha bhuan iad bharrachd air cách,
Bu chridheil an uaill 'G ar ruagadh mach gun chion fáth,
Ach sannt agus cruas; An duais tha aca mar tha,
Mňr dhiomb' is droch luaidh.
Ach siubhlaidh mi uat;Cha ghluais mi tuilleadh 'n ad dháil;
Tha m' aois is mo shnuadh, Dean suas
Ri fuaim na h-ataireachd árd.
English version:
The everlasting wave, Hear the sound of the man so brave;
In the thundering of the ocean, Without change, without mercy,
Breaking the life so dirty.The everlasting wave.
Each force of its break,Bringing life that can make,
In such great haste,Forbidding, cresting, and full of waste
Submitting to its speeAt the edge of each dirty deed,
Like the people passed onThe wave will roll on.
Looking around,It is not fitting for me to make a sound.
I don't see happiness,Just empty emptiness,
Of the poor exiles Banished over the miles.
The pain of the youth Will not outlast the truth.
Zealous as they were Evicting them only for a dare;
The reward they already saw, Through much hatred, a world of war
The grave and broken law.
But I will journey from you, 'Cause I know that true love waits
The many changes I go through
Make my bed
But by the sea I'll rest my head.