She left the restaurant with high bill in hand
she was in hurry, she couldn´t miss her important job in a bank
she aimed at the car, but she noticed that another
car crashed at hers suddenly she was surprised...
but there was standing young man who started
to sorry her about that accident - she smiled, she had
good mood, they shook with hands...
No she wasn´t angry,
she was glad that she met simple handsome man, who was in panic
No she wasn´t angry,
he suggested her meeting with lunch
No she wasn´t angry, angry...
They met at the same restaurant, it seemed they fell
in love each other their love became obvious...
She invited him later for a Chinese supper -
he agreed she prepared table, candles and food
she was waitig in an evening robe,
walking through the house impatient, but than he called her,
he would not come...
It was too little to be angry,
simply she thought
that he had more important things that she was!
/it was/ too little to be angry,
but she was sad, that again
and again she´d stay alone,
no matter, maybe next time...
angry, angry...
Following night they spent in his flat,
but morning she found a little message with flower at the phone:
" feel like at home, you know I love you, love you..."
but suddenly the phone starded to go -
there was a crying little child:
" daddy come home, we need you,mother is ill we love you so!"...
She packed all of her things and wrote him :" silly liar, traitor!"
He found it and did not understand, he thought:
Why she was so angry?
maybe it was just a little joke of hers
Why she was so angry?
maybe she met somebody "kind" who told her the truth of mine...
Why she was so angry, angry, angry?
She was staring on the restaurant after long time where
they met at first time - it was on Sunday afternoon...
He was walking by with his family, of course
he didn´t know that she saw him - maybe he forgot about her...
She was so infatuated of love,
but she was convinced that they would be simply together,
but she was sadly mistaken!
That´s why she was so angry...
That´s why she was so angry, angry, angry...
That´s why she was so angry
Odchádzala z reštaurácie s vysokým účtom v ruke
Ponáhľala sa,nechcela zmeškať dôležitú prácu v banke
Nastúpila do auta,no v tom iné auto do nej narazilo,ale vzápätí ostala prekvapená
Stál tam muž,ktorý sa jej ospravedlňoval za nehodu
Usmievala sa,mala dobrú náladu,potriasli si rukami
Nie,nehnevala sa,bola rada,že stretla jednoduchého,príťažlivého muža,ktorý panikáril
Nie,nehnevala sa,on ju pozval na obed...
Nie,nehnevala sa...
Neskôr sa stretli v tej istej reštaurácii,zdalo sa,že sa obaja zaľúbili,ich láska sa stala samozrejmosťou
Pozvala ho na čínsku večeru-súhlasil,pripravila stôl,sviečky a jedlo
Čakala vo večernej róbe,netrpezlivo sa prechádzala po dome,ale potom jej zavolal-nemôže prísť...
Trochu sa hnevala,proste si myslela,že sú pre neho dôležitejšie veci ako je ona...
Trochu sa hnevala,ale najmä bola smutná,že znovu a znovu ostala sama,nevadí,možno nabudúce
Nasledujúcu noc strávili v jeho byte
No ráno našla malý lístoček s kvetmi pri telefóne:,,cíť sa ako doma,vieš,že ťa ľúbim,ľúbim...´´
Ale vtom začal zvoniť telefón,bolo to uplakané malé dieťa:,,Ocko,príď domov,potrebujeme ťa,mama je chorá,veľmi ťa ľúbime!“
Zbalila si svoje veci a napísala mu:,,Hnusný klamár,zradca!!!“
Našiel to,a nerozumel tomu.myslel si:,,prečo sa tak hnevala?možno to bol od nej len malý žartík.
Prečo sa tak hnevala?možno stretla niekoho milého,kto jej o mne povedal pravdu.prečo sa tak hnevala?“
Pozerala po dlhom čase na reštauráciu,kde sa stretli poprvý raz.-bolo nedeľné popoludnie
Išiel okolo so svojou rodinou,nevedel,že ho videla-možno na ňu už zabudol
Bola tak šialene zaľúbená,bola presvedčená,že navždy ostanú spolu-ale to bola len smutná chyba
Preto bola taká nahnevaná!!!