Will Smith

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Will Smith:
Will Smith vydal po 20 rokoch album. Herec ide na prvé sólové turné,
neobíde ani viaceré európske mestá
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Will Smith:
Will Smith ohlásil album po 20-ročnej pauze. Pridáva k nemu aj svoje prvé
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Will Smith:
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Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá album po dvaceti letech - Americký hudebník a herec Will Smith se vrací na hudební scénu. V březnu letošníh... - rockandpop.cz

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá po 20 rokoch nový album. V novom singli sa spojil s Big Seanom - Je to tak. Will Smith sa vracia na hudobnú scénu. V marci vydá album Based on True Sto... - zoznam.sk

Will Smith:
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Will Smith:
Obludný skandál P. Diddyho bobtná: Will Smith u něj měl syna Jadena nutit k
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Will Smith:
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Bad Boys:
RECENZIA Bad Boys prichádzajú po štvrtýkrát: Will Smith tentoraz aj za
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Bad Boys:
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Will Smith

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Will Smith - Will 2k
Will Smith - Will 2k



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[Will Smith]
Here it comes the party of a lifetime
31st of December
Man I remember when the ball dropped for 90
Now it's 9-9, ten years behind me
What's gonna happen? Don't nobody know
We'll see when the clock gets to 12-0-0
Chaos, the cops gonna block the streetMan who the hell cares?
Just don't stop the beat
No time to sleep, yo it's on tonight
K-C you feeling me right? (Yeah)
2-0-0-0, the Will 2 K
The new millennium, yo excuse me Willennium (yeah)
It can't get thicker than this (Big Will)
Slick like Rick I can't miss
(And we gonna party like it's 19)
Hold up it is

Here it comes another year
Come on everyone, new millennium
Here it comes another year
Everyone, new millennium

[Will Smith]
There's a party tonight
Everybody was drinking
The house was screaming
And the bass was shaking
And it won't be long Till everybody knowing
That twelve o'clock the roof will be blowing
Drinks on me, up the cups, and
Midnight coming at full thrust, and
Dick Clark holding it down, and
The second hand rolling around (Na, na, na, na)
Hundred thousands deep, world wide press
Hate to be the man that gotta clean this mess
Same resolution, get the money
Ain't where we've been, it's where we gonna be
Get ready to hum, hold hand time
Cause a person that know the words is hard to find
First soul train line of the year
Four, three, two, one

Its here and I like it
Gonna pack the dance floor
Rock the dance floor

Here it comes another year
Come on everyone, new millennium
Here it comes another year
Everyone, new millennium

Yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeahSay yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeahSay yeah, yeah
Say yeah, yeah

[Will Smith]
I remember trying to count how old I'd be
When the clock struck twelve in the year two g
Medianoche finally near
This will be that anthem amongst the cheers
Just the man to usher it in
Big Will bringing the heat
K-Ci bringing the plan
Ringing it in, waiting for the ball to drop
That 2000 vault we breaking the lock
Let hip-hop keep blazing the charts
May the past keep a warm spot in your heart
May the future hold more joy then pain
Hands in the air waiting for confetti to rain

Its here and I like it
Gonna pack the dance floor
Rock the dance floor

Here it comes another year
Come on everyone, new millennium
Here it comes another year
Everyone, new millennium

There's a party tonight
Everybody was drinking
The house was screaming
And the bass was shaking
And it won't be long
Till everybody knowing at twelve o'clock
At 12 o'clock
Say what? Say what? Say what? What?

Here it comes another year
Come on everyone, new millennium
Here it comes another year
Everyone, new millennium

True dat, true dat, true dat
Yo London, uh come on
Yo Bangkok, come on, come on
LA, ha, ha The NYC
Come on, say what? Say what?
Yo Philly, come on, hey
Hey Tokyo, come on
Everybody say what now
Say what now, saw what now
Come on, come on, come on

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(C) 2002 - Pavol Bacigál - kontakt: info@supermusic.sk