Will Smith

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Will Smith:
Will Smith vydal po 20 rokoch album. Herec ide na prvé sólové turné,
neobíde ani viaceré európske mestá
- Na albume nájdeš mená ako Teyana Taylor, Jac Ross alebo Obanga.... - Refresher.sk

Will Smith:
Will Smith ohlásil album po 20-ročnej pauze. Pridáva k nemu aj svoje prvé
- Známy herec, ktorého sláva sa v hudbe zrodila, svoj posledný album, „Lost and Found... - Refresher.sk

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá desku po dvaceti letech - Will Smith vydá své nové album po více než dvaceti letech. V žebříčcích chybí ... - rockandpop.cz

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá album po dvaceti letech - Americký hudebník a herec Will Smith se vrací na hudební scénu. V březnu letošníh... - rockandpop.cz

Will Smith:
Will Smith vydá po 20 rokoch nový album. V novom singli sa spojil s Big Seanom - Je to tak. Will Smith sa vracia na hudobnú scénu. V marci vydá album Based on True Sto... - zoznam.sk

Will Smith:
Will Smith je zase späť v rape: Na novom bangri sa predstavil s Joynerom
- ... - Hashtag.sk

Will Smith:
Obludný skandál P. Diddyho bobtná: Will Smith u něj měl syna Jadena nutit k
- Jaden Smith údajně obvinil svého otce! Will Smith měl brát svého syna na večírky ... - extra.cz

Will Smith:
Will Smith: Mizerové jsou hlavně o síle přátelství - Výborný rapper a hlavně skvělý herec se dva roky po incidentu, kdy dal při předá... - novinky.cz

Bad Boys:
RECENZIA Bad Boys prichádzajú po štvrtýkrát: Will Smith tentoraz aj za
kamerou, toto mu vyšlo
- ... - Hashtag.sk

Bad Boys:
Will Smith práve hviezdi v nových Bad Boys: Akú má za sebou rapovú
- ... - Hashtag.sk


Will Smith

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Will Smith - Candy
Will Smith - Candy



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Excuse me Miss, can we chat for a second
I'd ask how you doin', but you fine I reckon
Wait, do you have a man, cause I aint' into home-wreckin
No?. .Aiight cool just checkin
Look, from a hundred yards you caught my eye
An all my boys said I didn't have the heart to say hi
I'd like to have your number you don't have ta give it now
But if you diss me while they lookin I'm a never live it down
Y'know what I mean, Aww damn, my name's Will
Maxine. Pleasure to meet you, look here's the deal
Can I sit? Thanks, now I don't mean to objectify
But this the metaphore that crossed my mind
You sweet, good enough to eat
Make a brother wanna TLC--Creep
A brother can't sleep
It's like a kid fallin for you
So here's my own private nickname, I'm a call you


Candy (No Doubt, Do you wanna bounce?)
It's the same feelin I always feel together but now
Let's get this started now
Let's get this started now

Verse 2 : Will Smith

I ain't gonna lie to you, I remember layin eyes on you
All I thought about was livin life beside you, Boo
All I wanna do is be the perfect guy to you
Tell you the truth, it's like (Candy) cause I'm feelin like its callin me
You're tryin ta hold on, but fallin
Seem quite far ta me
I stay strong but it's hard to be
Cause somethin bringin out the dog in me
(It's like Candy) when I'm keepin my zone
Chat on the phone, I lower my tone
Steady plottin on takin ya home
Gettin all inside of your dome, makin you moan
You shoulda known (It's like Candy)
As I'm seein you here, Mommy I know your peepin my stare
And feelin my glare, brother thinkin bout unrollin the bear
Strokin your hair, (Touchin me where?) Yeah there


Verse 3: Will Smith

I know the deal, I talked to Mary Jane and she said
Your ex-boyfriends Mike and Ike are both Lemonheads
I ain't tryin ta player hate girl I know
That you go with Bazooka Joe
Now you know he don't love you like that
He tryin ta get a Reeses piece of the Kit-Kat
Really hon, what he need is a jawbreaker
Cause I'm the one that'll love you baby Now and Later
Be my Peppermint Paddy with a Hundred wishes
An I'll be your Hershey daddy with a hundred kisses
Get the Twins M&M's, they booked all outta flights today
Me an you can Starburst to the Milky Way
I don't care what it cost, girl a Hundred Grand
We could snicker all night at my Jolly Ranch
Just me and you, I'll call your friends up too
Cause I could get my boys Babe Ruth and Charlston Chew

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