Pink Floyd


Pink Floyd - The Fletcher Memorial Home Pink Floyd - The Fletcher Memorial Home | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Roger Waters *** Autor hudby: Roger Waters |
The Fletcher Memorial Home
Bb+ = (004332)
GTake all your overgrown Cinfants away, GsomeAmwhere,
And build them a Dhome, a little Bb+place of their Hmown.
TheEm"Fletcher Memorial Home" for incurable DtyranEm7ts Dand
Gkings. C
And Gthey can appear to themCselves everyday, G, Am7
On closed circuit DTV, to make Bb+sure they're still Hmreal.Am, Hm
CIt's the only connecDtion they Emfeel.
"Ladies and gentlemen: please welcome Cmaj7Reagan and Haig,
Mr. Begin and friend, Mrs.D Thatcher and Paisley,
Mr. Cmaj7Brezhnev and party, the ghost of McCarthy,
The memories of Nixon. AndD now adding colour,
AG group of anonymous DLatin-american meat Cpacking glitterati."
EmDid they expect us to treat them with any resDpect,
They can Gpolish their Dmedals and Csharpen their smiles,
And Gamuse themDselves playing Ggames for a while,
Boom, DBoom, Bang, CBang, lie down you're Emdead.
GSafe in their permanent Cgaze of a cold Gglass Ameye,
With their favorite Dtoys, they'll be Bb+good girls and Hmboys,
In the "EmFletcher Memorial CHome" for colonial Dwasters of Em7life Dand Glimb.
Is Deverone in,C are you haGving a nice Ctime?
Now the Dfinal soluCtion can be Emapplied.
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