Natasha Bedingfield - Silent Movie Natasha Bedingfield - Silent Movie | |
We're in a picture black and white
Who took the light out of my life
When you, gave in
We're playing out of different roles
We should be wanting the same goals
Listening, forgiving
sme v čierno-bielom obraze
kto dal preč svetlo z môjho života?
kedy povolíš
môžeme chcieť rovnaký cieľ
počúvaj, odpúšťaj
Oh, why can't we communicate
When the main feature is just begining
In the silent movie there's no talking
You're just an actor
So break into my story
Take it over
Paint me with colour
oh, prečo nevieme komunikovať
keď začína hlavný film
v nemom filme nie sú slová
si len herec
tak vtrhni do môjho príbehu
prevráť ho
zafarbi ma
Everybody's speaking, but you don't know what they're saying
You're just guessing meanings
interpreting emotions through a window that is broken
We're jus testing feelings
každý hovorí, ale nevieš čo hovoria
len hádaš význam
tlmočíš emócie cez rozbité okno
len testuješ pocity
Step into the movie, you can be my leading man
Break into the silence, so your heart can understand
Step into the movie, we could walk along the sand
Let me stand beside you, put your life into my hand
vkroč do filmu, môžeš byť moja hlavná postava
preruš ticho, tak tvoje srdce môže rozumieť
vkroč do filmu, môžme sa prechádzať po pláži
nechaj ma stáť vedľa teba, daj tvoj život do mojej dlane
Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself
Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself
Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself
Don't you know you love me, like you never love yourself
nevieš, že ma miluješ, ako si nikdy nemiloval seba |
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