Once there was a great storm,
Pushed my head beneath the waves,
I was gone.
bola raz veľká búrka
tlačila moju hlavu pod vlny
odišiel som
Underneath the walnut tree,
Where you said you'd wait for me,
And I waited a long, long time
pod orechový strom
kde si povedala, že na mňa počkáš
a čakal som, dlho, dlho
I waited a long, long time,
I waited a long, long time,
I waited a long, long time,
I waited a long, long time.
Why, why do I come here?
Seeking out the memories I hold in,
'Cause you put your spell on me,
Made me live in memory,
And im frozen in just the wrong time.
prečo, prečo som sem prišiel?
hľadám v spomienkach, ktoré mám
lebo si ma začarovala
oživila v spomienkach
a som zamrznutý v zlom čase