GSylvia's mother says Sylvia's busy, too busy to come to the Dphone
Sylvia's mother says Sylvia's trying to start a new life of her Gown.
CSylvia's mother says GSylvia's happy...
So Dwhy don't you leave her Galone?
And the Doperator says: "Forty cents more, for the next three minutes."
REF: PleCase Mrs. Adria, I've Gjust got to talk to her
DI'll only keep her a Gwhile
CPlease Mrs. Adria, just Gwant to tell her
GSylvia's mother says Sylvia's packing she's going to be leaving Dtoday.
Sylvia's mother says Sylvia's marrying, a fellow down Galveston-GWay
CSylvia's mother says "GPlease don't say nothing...
To Dmake her start crying and G stay."
And the Doperator says: "Forty cents more, for the next three minutes."
GSylvia's mother says Sylvia's hurrying, she's catching the nine o'clock Dtrain.
Sylvia's mother says: "Take your umbrella, cause Sylvia it's starting to Grain."
And CSylvia's mother says "GThank you for calling...
And so Dwon't you come back agaiGn."
And the Doperator says: "Forty cents more, for the next three minutes."