Solitary Ground Front.jpg)


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Epica: EPICA láká na album „Aspiral“ nabušeným singlem - EPICA láká na své nejnovější album pořádně chytlavým singlem.
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Epica: EPICA avizuje nové album duchovní skladbou „Arcana“ - Už když zpěvačka Simone Simons v létě vydávala sólové album „Vermillion“, ho... - spark | 

EPIC: Metalfest Open Air 2025: Legendární King Diamond se vrátí do plzeňského amfiteátru - Mezinárodní metalový festival Metalfest Open Air, který se již čtrnáct let let kon... - musicserver.cz | 

Amon Amarth: Festival Rock Castle rozpálí Moravský Krumlov. Přijedou Amon Amarth, Kreator nebo Epica - Stále relativně nové jméno na domácí festivalové mapě, zato s line-upem, jaký si... - musicserver.cz | 

Delain: Charlotte a Simone - Společně o antidepresivech - Nejen fanoušci DELAIN jistě netrpělivě očekávají vydání nového alba jejich dnes... - spark | 

EPIC: TOPFEST SLOVAKIA 2023: Na tretí deň pálilo slnko aj ohne. Návrat k víkendu plnému rocku, metalu a punku - Počas záverečného dňa festivalu TOPFEST SLOVAKIA 2023 sa RC letiskom Abrahám niesol... - spark | 

Apocalyptica: APOCALYPTICA, EPICA - 24. 3. 2023, Brno, Hala Vodova - Epickou Apokalypsu neboli společné turné APOCALYPTIKY a EPIKY doprovázejí ještě fi... - spark | 

Apocalyptica: FOTOGALERIE: Apocalyptica a Epica v obrazech - Brno se konečně dočkalo několikrát odložené The Epic Apocalypse Tour 2023. Jako p... - musicserver.cz | 

Apocalyptica: Apocalyptica a Epica už v pátek rozeznějí Brno - Dlouho očekávaná a několikrát odkládaná hudební událost, "The Epic Apocalypse To... - musicserver.cz | 

Apocalyptica: VIDEO: Apocalyptica a Epica zvou na turné společnou verzí skladby 'Rise Again' - Finská Apocalyptica a holandská Epica spojily síly pro plánované evropské turné, k... - musicserver.cz | 

Epica - The Second Stone Epica - The Second Stone | | O, ne moriar bis
Oro supplex
Sometimes I feel like my reason is weakinning
My inner clock's forcing time stand till
I'm breaching borders between life and sanity
That's when it all starts to shatter in front of me
Liberate me
Why don't you liberate me?
Sometimes I feel I'm betraying my memory
This time it seems that I'm losing the fight
Finding it hard to be consciously part of life
That's when awareness and dreams start to separate
Reunite me
It's time to reunite me
As time goes by I hide the truth
Cannot stand myself with a broken shell
As time goes by I try to choose
Don't know where to roam in this private hell
Give me relief
Let me believe between sweet fiction and reality
My train thoughts got lost somewhere along the way
I'm chasing shadows that cross on my path
Repeating visions that dance faster than my mind
Can't stop the rain casting shadows on my parade
Can't defeat me
I will not bot to defeat
As time goes by I hide the truth
Cannot stand myself with a broken shell
As time goes by I try to choose
Don't know where to roam in this private hell
Give me relief
Let me believe between sweet fiction and reality
My train thoughts got lost somewhere along the way
I'm chasing shadows that cross on my path
Repeating visions that dance faster than my mind
Can't stop the rain casting shadows on my parade
Ne moriar bis
Another life, anothe mind close to insanity
Another road, a cryptic code the second stone
All the is left is a cross that's mine to bear
A cruse with no ending drenched in anxiety
O, ne discedam bis
Oro supplex
As time goes by I hide the truth
Cannot stand myself with a broken shell
Give me relief
Let me believe between sweet fiction and reality
As time goes by I try to choose
Don't know where to roam in this private hell
Give me relief
Let me believe between sweet fiction and reality
Ne moriar bis |
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