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My Chemical Romance: My Chemical Romance se rozloučili s bývalým bubeníkem - Členové americké rockové skupiny My Chemical Romance konečně vzdali hold svému bý... - rockandpop.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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My Chemical Romance: Zemřel Bob Bryar, bývalý bubeník kapely My Chemical Romance - Zemřel Bob Bryar, bývalý bubeník americké rockové skupiny My Chemical Romance. Bylo... - rockandpop.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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My Chemical Romance: Zemřel bývalý bubeník My Chemical Romance Bob Bryar, jeho tělo našli ve značném stádiu rozkladu - Bubeník Bob Bryar byl nalezen v úterý 26. listopadu ve svém domě v Tennessee mrtv... - IREPORT | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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My Chemical Romance: Zemřel bývalý bubeník My Chemical Romance Bob Bryar - Bob Bryar zemřel ve věku pouhých čtyřiačtyřiceti let. Příčina jeho úmrtí dopo... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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My Chemical Romance: Bubeníka My Chemical Romance našli mrtvého a v pokročilé fázi rozkladu - Bývalý bubeník kapely My Chemical Romance Bob Bryar byl v úterý nalezen mrtev ve sv... - novinky.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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My Chemical Romance: Zemřel bývalý bubeník MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE Bob Bryar, tělo našli v pokročilém stádiu rozkladu - V pouhých 44 letech zemřel bývalý člen MY CHEMICAL ROMANCE, bubeník Bob Bryar. Jeho... - spark | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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My Chemical Romance: Zemřel bývalý bubeník kapely My Chemical Romance, tělo našli po měsíci - Zemřel bývalý bubeník kapely My Chemical Romance, Bob Bryar (†44). Tělo muzikanta ... - idnes.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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My Chemical Romance: Zomrel bývalý bubeník kapely My Chemical Romance. Keď ho našli, jeho telo bolo už v pokročilom štádiu rozkladu - S kapelou koncertoval dlhých 10 rokov.... - Refresher.sk | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Emo: TOP 10 písní My Chemical Romance. Emo kapely, která kdysi udávala styl - Americká parta My Chemical Romance patří k nejúspěšnějším formacím nového tis... - IREPORT | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Lego: Lego má problém s klipem L.S. DUNES. Je totiž z Lega. - Výrobce stavebnice Lego má problém s novým videoklipem L.S. DUNES, kapely, v jejíž ... - spark | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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My Chemical Romance - Vampires Will Never Hurt You My Chemical Romance - Vampires Will Never Hurt You | | And if they get me and the sun goes down into the ground
And if they get me take this spike to my heart and
And if they get me and the sun goes down
And if they get me take this spike and
You put the spike in my heart
And if the sun comes up will it tear the skin right off our bones
And then as razor sharp white teeth rip out our necks I saw you there
Someone get me to the doctor, someone get me to a church
Where they can pump this venom gaping hole
And you must keep your soul like a secret in your throat
And if they come and get me
You put the spike in my heart
And if they get me and the sun goes down
And if they get me take this spike and
Can you take this spike?
Will it fill our hearts with thoughts of endless
Night time sky
Can you take this spike?
Will it wash away this jet black feeling?
And now the nightclub sets the stage for this they come in pairs she said
We'll shoot back holy water like cheap whiskey they're always there
Someone get me to the doctor, and someone call the nurse
And someone buy me roses, and someone burned the church
We're hanging out with corpses, and driving in this hearse
Someone save my soul tonight, please save my soul
And as these days watch over time, and as these days watch over time
And as these days watch over us tonight
I'll never let them, I'll never let them
I'll never let them hurt you not tonight
I'll never let them, I can't forget them
I'll never let them hurt you, I promise
Struck down, before our prime
Before, you got off the floor
Can you stake my heart? Can you stake my heart?
Can you stake me before the sun goes down?
And as always, innocent like roller coasters.
Fatality is like ghosts in snow and you have no idea what you're up against
because I've seen what they look like.
Becoming perfect as if they were sterling silver chainsaws going cascading...
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