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Eve - Dog Match
Eve - Dog Match



Pesničku videlo 1991 návštevníkov.

Kvalita textu : bez hodnotenia
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Ugh! (Whoa) Ugh!(Woo!) Ugh! Ugh! (Arf! Arf! Arf!)
Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
Now for every real dog
There's that bitch that's behind him
That bitch that when that nigga get to missin'
She gon' find him
Old girl gonna stand with the dog
Hand in hand with the dog
And whatever the fuck went down she ran with the dog
First time I had a match and didn't scratch
You catch just loss half you niggas, but the punk can fetch
And I know my babygirl is gonna stretch
Any rappin' motherfucker, male or female
Place your bets
You can imagine what the bloodline is like
Since I love mine to fight
I'm on some shit like what time tonight
Y'all niggaz can't be for real
Cause any one of you faggots
Will catch a face full of lead
Bitch you shouldn't be faggots
Fuckin' maggots, once you have it, as good as I got it
I know my hands is in my pockets
But Eve got you spotted, red dotted
Eve didn't before the Dog
Nothin' but a walk in the park

Always been the bitch that could roll with a thug and
Wipe up the blood
Roll in the mud with your other ducks nigga what?
What you need when the chips is down
I'll abide on the stand when evidence is found
I give pound to ya niggaz they respect this bitch
I spit rounds at your enemy no less than six
Always keep the extra clip Dog taught me well
The extra eyes on your team I see who's next to fail
Always hold your back up, I pick it up when you slack up
And if attention gets to close I tell the world to back up
Bind too tight, rhymes who ride?
Bitch and you livin' nigga lessons through life
Fuckin' with the dog he's the master
Plus he's gonna show me how to blast ya
Bullets hit you then pass you
Split you then stash you
The game is real, E-V-E, DMX, the name's for real, uh

1 � [DMX]
Fuckin' with the dog man niggaz keep beefin'
Eve will hold it down now, niggaz can believe (Woo!)
Quick as niggaz come and quick as they'll be leavin' (Ugh!)
Paramedics on your chest, pushin' and breathin'

Repeat 1

Get em girl, ha-ha, that's my baby
I'mma put the bitch down, cause the boy got rabies
All my pups is crazy, cause off the leash
They can eat, stand a match for 3 hours at least
And if the beast is in the big one
The beast is in the little ones
Talkin' �bout let's hit him son
Fuckin' with the little guns
Y'all niggaz had a little run
What more do you want?
For your fans you can front
But the dog is on the hunt

You know I'm at the door point fox rippin' �em out
And you're the only one that can tame me
When I'm flippin em out
Bite's lethal, no recovering
I spitz no other than acid
Up against the top contenders
None of them lasted
This bitch gon always hold you down
Keep the cowards thinking twice
I keeps it gritty nigga
Never think that love is life
Turnin' my back is something cats would do
I never take flight
Cause any breed he put's me up against
This bitch is gonna bite

Repeat 1 (4x)

Ugh! Woo!
Ugh! Ugh! Woo!
Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Woo! Woo!
Woo! Woo! Woo! Woo!
Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh! Ugh!
Ugh! Ugh! Woo!

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