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Limp Bizkit: Fred Durst z LIMP BIZKIT žaluje vydavatelství kvůli desítkám milionů nevyplacených honorářů - Frontman LIMP BIZKIT Fred Durst podal žalobu na nahrávací společnost Universal Music ... - spark | 

Limp Bizkit: Fred Durst se bude soudit o 200 milionů dolarů - Fred Durst, zpěvák americké rockové kapely Limp Bizkit, neměl k rázným krokům i... - rockandpop.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: LIMP BIZKIT si ze sebe zase dělají prdel, tentokrát s použitím genAI - Tři roky po jeho vydání připomínají LIMP BIZKIT album „Still Sucks“ videoklipem... - spark | 

Diiv: VIDEO: DIIV si do klipu k Brown Paper Bag pozvali Freda Dursta z Limp Bizkit - Jak už od nás možná víte, chystají DIIV na 24. května desku Frog In Boiling Water.... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: FOTOGALERIE: Limp Bizkit zahráli v Praze - Velikáni nu-metalu se po letech vrátili do Česka. Beznadějně vyprodané Forum Karlí... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: NAžIVO: Limp Bizkit vrátili Forum Karlín do devadesátek - Po několika odkladech se do České republiky konečně vrátili nu-metaloví matadoři ... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: Limp Bizkit už o dva týždne zbúrajú Prahu. Pred návratom do Európy sa v klipe zmenili na Putina, Bidena aj Zelenského - Jedna z najvýraznejších kapiel nu metalu sa 3. apríla predstaví fanúšikom v pražs... - zoznam.sk | 

Limp Bizkit: VIDEO: Zelenskyj, Biden i Putin si zahráli v klipu Limp Bizkit 'Out Of Style' - Jak by to vypadalo, kdyby si světoví lídři Joe Biden, Vladimir Putin, Volodymyr Zelen... - musicserver.cz | 

Limp Bizkit: Fred Putin, Wes Biden a DJ Zelenskyj – LIMP BIZKIT natočili nejvtipnější klip roku - Aktuální album LIMP BIZKIT „Still Sucks“ je venku od podzimu 2021, kapela ho však ... - spark | 

Elton John: Vedel si, že Elton John hral na Tyršáku, Limp Bizkit v Seredi či The Offspring v Terchovej? Tieto koncerty sa už nezopakujú - Poď sa s nami zviesť na vlne nostalgie a pripomeň si legendárne slovenské koncerty s... - Refresher.sk | 

Limp Bizkit - The Priest Limp Bizkit - The Priest | | It could be the absinth talking
(I dont think so)
I dont either
I've gotta find a new place
A new place to feed
Gotta be
Stop everything, something is not feeling right
The planets are not all aligned
I know when I felt this before
My evil is thirsty for more
I need a new allie to feed
What can I do?
I've got an idea
I think I'll just become a priest
Deceiving them with my belief
I'll preach about what life is worth
And cover my sins with their shirts
My demons can run around free
No one will suspect a thing
I'll show them its okay to lust
A priest in a church you can trust
I found a new allie to feed
Baptized by the unexpected
Terrorized by the imperfections
Somethings not right
The planets are not all aligned
I know when I felt this before
My evil is thirsty for more
I need a new allie to feed
What can I do?
I've got an idea
I think I'll just become a priest
Decieving them with my belief
I'll preach about what life is worth
And cover my sins with their shirts
My demons can run around free
No one will suspect a thing
I'll show them its okay to lust
A priest in a church you can trust
I found a new allie to feed
Baptized by the unexpected
Terrorized by the imperfections
Baptized by the unexpected
Terrorized by the imperfections
Oh my god
Im watching TV
I cant
Oh whats this world coming to
I see a priest molesting children
I see terrorists blowing up buildins
I see someone in rage
Killing Dimebag on stage
What the fuck is this?
What the fuck is this?
I got a kid
Should I send him to Sunday School?
I got a kid
Should I send him to Sunday School?
So you can fuck him
Oh no you aint gonna fuck him
How bout this?
I dont fucking know who I can trust
In this world and I'm gonna blow
One more time
I'm not that scared
Something is not feeling right
The planets are not all aligned
I know when I felt this before
My evil is thirsty for more
I need a new allie to feed
Baptized by the unexpected
Terrorized by the imperfections
Baptized by the unexpected
Terrorized by the imperfections |
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