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Anastacia: LIVE: Anastacia v Praze slavila čtvrt století. Její velký hlas a charisma zvedaly ze židlí - Americká zpěvačka Anastacia publiku v pražském O2 universu s lehce rockovou elegan... - IREPORT | 

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Anastacia - Seasons Change II Anastacia - Seasons Change II |  tlač |
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Kvalita textu : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | *** Autor textu: Anastacia, K. Dioguadi, J. Rzeznik *** Autor hudby: Glen Balard | Cradle the weight of your life
You can survive
What lies before you
It´s only a matter of time
Before the night turns in today
Oh, it should feel incredible, whoa…
To know you´re not alone, oh
uh just look in my eyes (just look in my eyes)
whoa…just look in my eyes
Sboristé: Happy turns to sad
Anastacia: I said now
Sboristé: Sometimes life gets bad
Anastacia: A sometimes
Sboristé: Things get rearranged
Anastacia: Uh
Sboristé: Nothing stays the same
Anastacia: Nothing stays the same
Sboristé: It just never ends
Sboristé: here we go again
Anastacia: End here we go
Sboristé: One thing Still remains,
Anastacia: ah, seasons seasons change
c´mon that seasons change
c´mon that seasons change
c´mon that seasons change
Are you scared of today?
Running away
I can see through you Whoaoaoh…
It feels like an eternal haze
But it´s only a faze
It´s all in your mind
Oh, when you feel invisible, uh
Just knooow you´re not alone (c´mon, c´mon)
Just look in my eyes,oh (look in my eyes, huh, look in my eyes)
Just look in my eyes, yeah
Sboristé: Happy turns to sad
Sboristé: Sometimes life gets bad
Anastacia: A sometimes
Sboristé: Things get rearranged
Anastacia: Uh
Sboristé: Nothing stays the same
Anastacia: Nothing stays the same
Sboristé: It just never ends
Sboristé: here we go again
Anastacia: End here we go
Sboristé: One thing Still remains
Anastacia: ah, seasons seasons change
You cam feel the air start to change
When you´re walkin´out in the rain
And the colors inside your brain start fading
Til the winter is washed away
And nothing really feels the same
When sunlight´s in your eyes You feel aliiiiiiiive
What I really want..
What I really want..
What I really want..
What I really want..
I said, yeah, yeah, Yeeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaaaah!
Sboristé: Happy turns to sad
Sboristé: Sometimes life gets bad
Sboristé: Things get rearranged
Sboristé: Nothing stays the same
Anastacia: Nothing stays the same
Sboristé: It just never ends
Sboristé: here we go again
Anastacia: End here we go
Sboristé: One thing Still remains,
Anastacia: ah, seasons seasons change
Sboristé: Happy turns to sad
Sboristé: Sometimes life gets bad
Anastacia: A sometimes
Sboristé: Things get rearranged
Anastacia: Uh
Sboristé: Nothing stays the same
Anastacia: Nothing stays the same
Sboristé: It just never ends
Sboristé: here we go again
Anastacia: End here we go
Sboristé: One thing Still remains,
Anastacia: ah, seasons seasons change
c´mon that seasons change
c´mon that seasons change
c´mon that seasons change
Seasons, seasons change
uh that seasons change
uh that seasons change
Haaaaaaaaaa (skřehotavé řvaní)
Sboristé: Happy turns to sad
Sboristé: Sometimes life gets bad
Sboristé: Things get rearranged
Anastacia: Uh
Sboristé: Nothing stays the same
Anastacia: Seasons, seasons change
Sboristé: It just never ends
Sboristé: here we go again
Anastacia: ends here we go again
Sboristé: One thing Still remains
Anastacia: ah, Seasons seasons change
(yeah, c´mon) Woah!
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