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Queen: KVÍZ: Jak se jmenovala kytara Briana Maye? Co (ne)víte o kapele Queen - Skupina Queen patří mezi nejikoničtější rockové kapely všech dob. Právem se prot... - extra.cz | 

Elton John: Chýba vám nejaký? TOTO majú byť TOP životopisné filmy vôbec! - V súčasnosti sa natáča množstvo filmov, v ktorých sa tvorcovia snažia opísať ži... - slovakwoman.sk | 

Queen: Sony chce koupit písně Queen za rekordních 23 miliard - Kompletní tvorbu skupiny Queen, včetně nesmrtelných hitů jako Bohemian Rhapsody či ... - novinky.cz | 

Majesty: Britská kapela Majesty vzdá poctu skupině Queen - Britská kapela Majesty zahraje v dubnu v Brně a v květnu ve Zlíně hity legendární ... - idnes.cz | 

Rhapsody: Rebríček top 30 hudobných filmov: Prvý zrejme nepoznáš, nie je to Bohemian Rhapsody - ... - Hashtag.sk | 

Dirt: Film o KISS půjde do kin příští rok, už v dubnu však má premiéru Sázka na zlato - Po filmových trhácích jako byli Bohemian Rhapsody o QUEEN či The Dirt o MÖTLEY CRÜE... - spark | 

Brian May: Zomrel režisér klipu ku skladbe Bohemian Rhapsody od skupiny Queen - Gitarista britskej rockovej skupiny Queen, sir Brian May, vzdal poctu Bruceovi Gowersovi,... - zoznam.sk | 

Queen: Husle, klavír a Bohemian Rhapsody: Slovenské duo vzdalo poctu legende Queen - Hit Bohemian Rhapsody skupiny Queen, má novú coververziu. Stoja za ňou dvaja slovensk... - zoznam.sk | 

Queen: Bohemian Rhapsody v podaní slovenských hudobníkov: To je NÁDHERA! - Cover verzií legendárnych skladieb skupiny Queen nikdy nie je dosť! Najnovšie sa k ni... - slovakwoman.sk | 

Chloe: Sisa Michalidesová vydala nový album Majster a Margaréta - Skladateľka a flautistka Sisa Michalidesová, dvojnásobná držiteľka ceny Esprit za n... - zoznam.sk | 

Rhapsody - Erian's Mystical Rhymes Rhapsody - Erian's Mystical Rhymes |  tlač |
 edituj | |  oakorduj | Rok vzniku: 2006 Poznámka: album: Symphony of enchanted lands II. - The dark secret
Pesničku videlo 2058 návštevníkov.
Kvalita textu : bez hodnotenia Hodnotilo ľudí: 0 ohodnoť aj ty | | *** Autor textu: Luca Turilli *** Autor hudby: Turilli/Staropoli | In Primordial times of sorrow
ancient ages of the known world
Kron´s reign of terror was rising
so the skylords sent their angels
against the storm that treathened heavens
seven wars were so fought
the dead rose
led by the darklords of hell
The last war meant the end
of hellgod´s old reign...
Dark memories lost in the shades of illusion
warn the light of electric sky
the angels could change the life on earth
but not the demons old plans
United force of strong wise men...
a new order soon was born
ten kings, ten wizards, elves and dragonlords
ready to fight for their world
Ready to face the last secret
hidden for 5 000 angels years
5 000 years.
A great and new hope in Elgard was born
the one hope that could finally find the
sacred words to stop the dark plan of Nekron
all contained in Erian´s mystical white book
The holy council cast their vote
hearing the deep voice of soul
Etherus... Iras... two names on all
elected to face the darklord
They knew so well Erian´s tale
what could be found between his rhymes
his rhymes of divine light
written to save our lands
Ready to face the last secret
hidden for 5 000 angels years
5 000 years
Now is the time for them to share all their plans
the one hope that could finally find the
sacred words to stop the dark plan of Nekron
all contained in Erian´s mystical white book
So the name was chosen
White Dragon´s Order
all sworn to fight
all for one
one for all
A great and new hope in Elgard was born
the one hope that could finally find the...
Sacred words to stop the dark plan of Nekron
all contained in Erian´s mystical white book
Sacred words to stop the dark plan of Nekron
all contained in Erian´s mystical white book
"And so the Order of the White Dragon
decreed Khaas the hero of the middle lands.
He and princess Lothen from the kingdom of
the ancient waterfalls, together with Tharish,
elven king of the caverns and myself. Iras
Algor from Hor-Lad, would travel the path of
incredible danger and great adventure.
Dargor the shadowlord would lead us through
the ancient underworld of Dar-Kunor.
Finally the time had come to find the legendary
seventh black books, that containing the worst of
all the known prophecies." |
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