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Stevie Wonder - Blame It On The Sun Stevie Wonder - Blame It On The Sun | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
Where has my love gone?
How can I go on?
It seems dear love has gone away
Where is my spirit?
I'm nowhere near it,
Oh yes, my love has gone astray
But I'll blame it on the sun,
The sun that didn't shine,
I'll blame it on the wind and the trees
I'll blame it on the time that never was enough,
I'll blame it on the tide and the sea,
But, my heart blames it on me
Who poured the love out?
What made this bitter doubt?
Is peace not here for me to see?
Wish I could tell you,
What I am feeling,
But, words won't come for me to speak
But I'll blame it on the sun,
That didn't fill the sky,
I'll blame it on the birds and the trees
I'll blame it on the day that ended once too soon,
I'll blame it on the nights that could not be,
But, my heart blames it on me
Background...Yeh, yeh, yeh, ooh,
Your heart blames it on you this time
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