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Nickelback: NICKELBACK připomínají své poslední album novým klipem - NICKELBACK na horizontu! Kanadští rockeři zveřejnili nový videoklip ke skladbě „H... - spark | 

Nickelback: NICKELBACK, LOTTERY WINNERS – 6. 6. 2024, Praha, O2 arena - Kanadští rockeři NICKELBACK se po osmi letech vrátili do pražské O2 areny, aby div... - spark | 

Nickelback: FOTOGALERIE: Nickelback zaplavili O2 arenu přívalem hitů - Po osmi letech se do pražské O2 areny vrátila kanadská rocková skupina Nickeback. Hu... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback: NAžIVO: Nickelback v Praze odehráli úplně jiný koncert než posledně - Kanadská rocková skupina Nickelback se po osmi letech vrátila do pražské O2 areny. P... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback: LIVE: Nickelback v Česku vsadili na jistotu, sázeli hit za hitem - Nickelback se po osmi letech vrátili do Prahy, aby českým fanouškům představili nov... - IREPORT | 

Ac/dc: Veľký kalendár koncertov 2024: Priprav sa na tieto veľké mená, ktoré uvidíš na Slovensku? - #Tento rok sa môžeš tešiť na širokú škálu koncertných turné naprieč Európou.... - Hashtag.sk | 

Cirque Du Soleil: Ed Sheeran přidává druhý koncert. Přijedou rovněž Nickelback, Jacob Collier, Troye Sivan, Cirque du Soleil i Jimmy Carr - Kulturní kalendář na rok 2024 se utěšeně plní, tipy na vánoční dárky v podob... - novinky.cz | 

Nickelback: Nickelback přijedou v červnu do Prahy - Cenami ověnčená rocková kapela Nickelback oznámila evropské koncerty v rámci Get R... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback: Oblíbení i nenávidění. Do Česka se vrátí kanadští rockeři Nickelback - Kritizoval je bubeník dua Black Keys, čtenáři časopisu Rolling Stone je označili za... - aktualne.cz | 

Nickelback: Podívejte se na trailer k dokumentu 'Hate to Love: Nickelback' - Kanadská čtveřice Nickelback patří mezi nejslavnější rockové kapely, spolu se sl... - musicserver.cz | 

Nickelback - Someone That You're With Nickelback - Someone That You're With | *** Autor textu: nickelback *** Autor hudby: nickelback | I reside in 209, you’re in 208
You moved in last Friday night,
and I just couldn’t wait
So I tried to call across the hall,
to ask you out someday
But a lineup formed outside your door, and I was way too late
Well I’d rather start off slow
This whole thing’s like
some sort of race
Instead of winning what I want
I’m sitting here in second place
Because somewhere
the one I wanna be with’s
with somebody else
Oh god, I wanna be that
someone that you’re with
I wanna be that someone
that you’re with
And I can talk about it all day long
‘til I run out of breath
But I still wanna be that
someone that you’re with
I’ve got to be that
someone that you’re with
And I’m pacing by the phone
‘Cause I hate to be alone
And if you’re out there with him
somewhere and just about to kiss
God I wanna be that
someone that you’re with
Well I hear your favorite songs
you sing along with everyday
And I borrow things that
I don’t need for conversation sake
Last night I heard your key,
it hit your lock at 4 AM
Instead of being out with me
you must be out with them
Well I’d rather start off slow
This whole thing’s like
some sort of race
Instead of winning what I want
I’m sitting here in second place
Because somewhere the one
I wanna be with’s
with somebody else
Oh god, I wanna be that
someone that you’re with
I wanna be that
someone that you’re with
And I can talk about it all day long
‘til I run out of breath
But I still wanna be that
someone that you’re with
I’ve got to be that
someone that you’re with
And I’m pacing by the phone
‘Cause I hate to be alone
And if you’re out there with him
somewhere and just about to kiss
God, I wanna be that
someone that you’re with
Well somewhere the one
I wanna be with’s
with somebody else
Oh god, I wanna be that
someone that you’re with
And I can talk about it all day long
‘til I run out of breath
But I still wanna be that
someone that you’re with
I’ve got to be that
someone that you’re with
And I’m pacing by the phone
‘Cause I hate to be alone
And if you’re out there with him
somewhere and just about to kiss
God, I’ve got to be that
someone that
I wanna be that someone that
I’ve got to be that
someone that you’re with |
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