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Fanúšikov: 1


Avantasia - Let The Storm Descend Upon You
Avantasia - Let The Storm Descend Upon You



Rok vzniku: 2016
Pesničku videlo 1069 návštevníkov.

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I'm smothered by your lucid nothing
I can't hear and touch and see
But I feel it
Though I can't believe it
Like master of the observation
Coming up with an explanation
There's no need
Making use of the spirit

We can give you answers you are dying to receive
Keep on dreaming
Keep on screaming
You might be getting too much for your beating hart to take
Your flesh is malice
Prepare your chalice

breathe and sleep tight
Will you defy intriguing ghostlights
Seeing through all lies and foolish warnings

There ain't no return

Never like the darkness
It may burn your soul away
As you've been seeing
What you've though you're dreaming

Never open doors if you don't dare to walk on through
Maybe you're old
Now it's all your fault

You're off to the light
Will you defy all evil ghostlights
Tell the truth from depuration
Don't waste no time
Prevail against the hands that tick your flesh away
Now delve into your own reflection

Ohhh in all that where I've been to
There's nothing but a void
Over the sanity of fools

Shine your light into the darkness
And let the storm descend upon you
And I will make you mine
Shine your light into the darkness
Behold the lead aurora fall upon you
Oh, Let the storm descend upon you

Journey to the other side
It's just a trip and pleasure ride
And I don't know
But does it really matter

I am he who's always been
Who dares to know what can't be seen
I'm illusion or truth
I'm confusion

Bring me the light
I will bring out certainty on a silver plate
Like a mantle piece
I will wipe out darkness

Blessed is the lie
Till there's no time left to spill
To save and kill
To take and seize
Till this trip's your law

Obey reflections of some crazy dream
Or maybe the backside of reality

Shine your light into the darkness
And let the storm descend upon you
And I will make you mine
Shine your light into the darkness
Behold the lead aurora fall upon you
Let the storm descend upon you

You gotta pray you're gunning just a ghostlight
You gotta be won't be falling down the wayside
Let it carry you away

Cut the gem until it's purified away
The candle burning to the ground
I don't see nothing but addiction to the rhyme
Kindles everything around

For all the world we'll see it tower to the stars
And all is melting into one

We give them something to fall back on everytime
They're too strung out to run

Every moment, every heartbeat, every breath
Leaves you one less to your last

Still you cherish every second of the game
Give me the future, you take the past

And what if God is just an image in the mind
A reflection of the will

And what's the valor when the law you live in harmony
Falls second for the drill

I pray the lord ain't just a ghostlight in my mind
a reflection of the will
Let the storm descend upon me
Let aurora fall upon me

Let the fire fall upon him
Let the fire purify him
Never judge a thing you see
It's only what your mortal eyes will want it to be
Ohhh bring it on
Let the dark and heaven confusion
Spit out a conclusion

Obey reflections of a memory
Are just reflections in a crazy dream

Shine your light into the darkness
And let the storm descend upon you
And I will make you mine
Shine your light into the darkness
Behold the lead aurora fall upon you
Shine your light into the darkness (through the darkness)
And let the storm descend upon you
And I will make you mine
Shine your light into the darkness (into the darkness)
Behold the lead aurora fall upon you
Oh, Let the storm descend upon you (let the storm descend upon you)
Ohhh descend upon you, yeah

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