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Metronome Prague: RagnBone Man vystoupí na festivalu Metronome Prague 2025 - Metronome Prague postupně odtajňuje velká hudební jména, která ozdobí program nadc... - musicserver.cz | 

Metronome Prague: Metronome Prague oznámil první hvězdu, dorazí Alanis Morissette - Thank U, Ironic, You Oughta Know a další megahity zazní v červnu 2025 na Výstavišti... - IREPORT | 

Metronome Prague: Alanis Morissette zazáří na Metronome Prague 2025 - Thank U, Ironic, You Oughta Know a další megahity zazní v červnu na Výstavišti Prah... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: Alanis Morissette překročila padesátku: Zpěvačka obřího hitu se za 30 let skoro nezměnila - Alanis Morissette se zřejmě nejvíce zapsala do povědomí široké veřejnosti devades... - extra.cz | 

Grammy: Alanis Morissette oslavuje 50 rokov a vyráža na turné - Kanadská speváčka, skladateľka a gitaristka Alanis Morissette oslavuje životné jubi... - zoznam.sk | 

Adele: Nové desky 24/2022 - od Foals přes Sigmu po Grey Daze s Chesterem Benningtonem - S blížícím se létem si můžete zatancovat se Sigmou nebo Foals. Bude je doplňovat ... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: RECENZE: Alanis Morissette se vzdala písniček a víceméně i zpěvu - Aby bylo jasno, nová deska Alanis Morissette se z její dosavadní diskografie vymyká. ... - idnes.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: Alanis Morissette vydá v létě meditativní desku. Poslechněte si první ukázku - Kanadská písničkářka Alanis Morissette připravuje poměrně nečekanou nahrávku. P... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: Alanis Morissette pracuje na sitcomu na motivy svého života. No, není to ironické? - Život Alanis Morissette byl asi pořádná legrace. Zpěvačka totiž oznámila, že pro... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette: MINIRECENZE: Sydney Sprague na 'maybe i will see you at the end of the world' doufá až do konce - Když před čtvrtstoletím vydala Alanis Morissette desku "Jagged Little Pill", zárove... - musicserver.cz | 

Alanis Morissette - Crazy Alanis Morissette - Crazy | | In a church, by the face,
He talks about the people going under.
Only child know...
A man decides after seventy years,
That what he goes there for, is to unlock the door.
While those around him criticize and sleep...
And through a fractal on a breaking wall,
I see you my friend, and touch your face again.
Miracles will happen as we trip.
But we're never gonna survive, unless...
We get a little crazy
No we're never gonna survive, unless...
We are a little...
...Crazy yellow people walking through my head.
One of them's got a gun, to shoot the other one.
And yet together they were friends at school
Ohh, get it, get it, get it, get it no no!
If all were there when we first took the pill,
Then maybe, then maybe, then maybe, then maybe...
Miracles will happen as we speak.
But we're never gonna survive unless...
We get a little crazy.
No we're never gonna survive unless...
We are a little...
No no, never survive, unless we get a little... bit...
Oh, a little bit...
Oh, a little bit...
Amanda decides to go along after seventeen years...
Oh darlin...
In a sky full of people, only some want to fly,
Isn't that crazy?
In a world full of people, only some want to fly,
Isn't that crazy?
In a heaven of people there's only some want to fly,
Ain't that crazy?
Oh babe... Oh darlin...
In a world full of people there's only some want to fly,
Isn't that crazy?
Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy... Isn't that crazy...
But we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little crazy.. crazy..
No we're never gonna to survive unless we are a little... crazy..
But we're never gonna survive unless, we get a little crazy.. crazy..
No we're never gonna to survive unless, we are a little.. crazy..
No no, never survive unless, we get a little bit...
And then you see things
The size
Of which you've never known before
They'll break it
Only child know....
Them things
The size
Of which you've never known before
Someway... |
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