DmiI canGminot reBsist your Dmicall
FI canE4susnot E reGmisist your Bcall
Take my Dmihand, take my hand, yeah, take my Bhand
Follow Cme, follow Amime, yeah, let's Bgo
To the Dmisand, to the sand, the purest Bsand
Into the Csea, into the Amisea, yeah, let's Bgo
DmiOut beyond the water's edge
BFar out past the coral ledge
CUnderneath the Amidiamond dancing Blights
DmiChase the world from far below
BSilent, sleeping indigo
CDrifting down inAmito the endless Bnight
BI C canDminot reGmisist Amiyour Bcall
BI C canDminot reGmisist Amiyour Bcall
Dmi, B, C, Ami, B
Dmi, B, C, Ami, B
Take my Dmihand, take my hand, yeah, take my Bhand
Follow Cme, follow Amime, yeah, let's Bgo
To the Dmisand, to the sand, the purest Bsand
Into the Csea, into the Amisea, yeah, let's Bgo
DmiLeaving reason far behind
BNothing here is cruel or kind
COnly your deAmisire to set me Bfree
DmiLet us lie here all alone
BWorn away like river stone
CLet us be the Amisirens of the Bsea!
BI C canDminot reGmisist Amiyour Bcall
BI C canDminot reGmisist Amiyour Bcall
DmiI canGminot reBsist your Dmicall
FI canE4susnot E reGmisist your Bcall