Kapodaster na 1. pražec.
Hmi, E, G, E
HmiRain on me, my Earms are cold
I Gwant to get home
But there’s Ewater on the road
And if I Hmido, you will not Echange
I’m just a Gsinging satellite
In an Eorbit that is strange
I want to Hmilaugh, I want to Esmile
Get your Garms inside my head
And stop me Ethinking for a while
I’m just a Hmifool hung on a Esting
But since you Gput these thorns
Around my head
You Eknow I am a king; a kingG
A king of Eeverything and nothing
Hmi, G, E
I’m Hmion my way to Gheaven
Hmi, G, E, Hmi, F#
Hmi, E
I’m always Hmihere, I’m in deEnial
And when there’s Gnothing left between us
I will Estay another while
You know you're Hmifree
You’ve got your Ewings
And I am Gjust another angel
With a Evoice who wants to sing
Yeah, Yeah, HmiYeah
I'm on my way to Gheaven
Yeah, Yeah, EYeah
Hmi, E
I’m on my way to Gheaven
G, D, F#mi, Hmi, G, D
G, D, F#mi, Hmi, G, F#
I want to Hmicry, I want to Esteal
A little Gray of perfect sunshine
From the Esun above the hill
I want to Hmilaugh, I want to Esmile
Get your Garms inside my head
And stop me Ethinking for a while
I’m just a Hmifool hung on a Esting
But since you Gput these thorns
Around my head
You Eknow I am a king; a Hmiking
A king of Eeverything and nothing
G, E
I’m on my way to Hmiheaven