Metal Female Voices Fest 04.jpg)


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Epica: EPICA láká na album „Aspiral“ nabušeným singlem - EPICA láká na své nejnovější album pořádně chytlavým singlem.
... - spark | 

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Delain: Charlotte a Simone - Společně o antidepresivech - Nejen fanoušci DELAIN jistě netrpělivě očekávají vydání nového alba jejich dnes... - spark | 

EPIC: TOPFEST SLOVAKIA 2023: Na tretí deň pálilo slnko aj ohne. Návrat k víkendu plnému rocku, metalu a punku - Počas záverečného dňa festivalu TOPFEST SLOVAKIA 2023 sa RC letiskom Abrahám niesol... - spark | 

Apocalyptica: APOCALYPTICA, EPICA - 24. 3. 2023, Brno, Hala Vodova - Epickou Apokalypsu neboli společné turné APOCALYPTIKY a EPIKY doprovázejí ještě fi... - spark | 

Apocalyptica: FOTOGALERIE: Apocalyptica a Epica v obrazech - Brno se konečně dočkalo několikrát odložené The Epic Apocalypse Tour 2023. Jako p... - musicserver.cz | 

Apocalyptica: Apocalyptica a Epica už v pátek rozeznějí Brno - Dlouho očekávaná a několikrát odkládaná hudební událost, "The Epic Apocalypse To... - musicserver.cz | 

Apocalyptica: VIDEO: Apocalyptica a Epica zvou na turné společnou verzí skladby 'Rise Again' - Finská Apocalyptica a holandská Epica spojily síly pro plánované evropské turné, k... - musicserver.cz | 

Epica - Divide And Conquer Epica - Divide And Conquer | | Divide and conquer
Show no mercy
Defile the honor
Sow discord amongst them all
Crucify my faith
We'll set the stage for the last play
You will not hurt our pride nor break its strength
Stirring up to hate
You'll fail to practice what you preach
Wake the force as we
Won't let you crucify our ways
Will enrage them
Is effective after all
Justify yourself
We cannot speak above our breath
I read between these vast adorned lines
Justify your acts
The credulous will be our guests
Wake the force as we
Won't let you crush our self-respect
Highfalutin weaponry
You dictate your recipe for life
Seek the mastermind
The one who's always right
We're searching now and endlessly to set us free
Seek the mastermind
There's no one you will find
We have to find a way to change our destiny
Hate and fear corroded all our hopes and dreams
That's all we have achieved
Divide and conquer
Spread disease amongst them all
Desecrate yourself
Yet our duty will prevail
You will not penetrate through massive shields
Desecrate yourself
We will harvest all we've sowed
Wake the force as we
Won't let you steal our own integrity
Highfalutin weaponry
You dictate your recipe with lies
Seek the mastermind
The one who's always right
We're searching now and endlessly to set us free
Seek the mastermind
There's no one you will find
We have to find a way to change our destiny
Hate and fear corroded all our hopes and dreams
That's all we have achieved
Bleed from greed
We'll succeed in our aim
Force the spirit to its knees
Dominate humanity
Hold yourself accountable
For the mess around us all
Running blindly for the fall
We are all responsible
Seek the mastermind
The one who's always right
We're searching now and endlessly to set us free
Seek the mastermind
There's no one you will find
On this quest without an end, eternally
Hate and fear prevented us to reach
What we truly are
Nothing really is as it appears
That's all we need to be
Will erange them manipulation
Is effective
Don't me merciful
Seize them all |
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