

Nightwish - Élan Nightwish - Élan | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Tuomas Holopainen *** Autor hudby: Tuomas Holopainen |
DmiLeave the sleep and Flet the C7/Espringtime Dmitalk
In Btongues from the Ftime beCfore Dmiman
Listen to a Fdaffodil C7/Etell her Ftale
Let the guest Gmiin, walk out, be the Bfirst to Cgreet the Dmimorn
The meadows of Fheaven C7/Eawait Dmiharvest
The Bcliffs unFjumped, cold Cwaters unDmitouched
The elsewhere Fcreatures C7/Eyet unFseen
Finally your Gminumber came up, free Bfall Cawaits the Dmibrave
Taste the Fwine
Race the Cblind
They will Gmiguide you from the Dmilight
Writing Bsus2noughts till the end of CtimeC, B, C
Surf the Fclouds
Race the Cdark
It feeds Gmifrom the runs unDmidone
Meet me Bsus2where the Fcliff greets the Csea
The answer to the riddle before your eyes
Is in dead leaves and fleeting skies
Returning swans and sedulous mice
Writings on the gardens book, in the minute of a lover's look
Building a sandcastle close to the shore
A house of cards from a worn out deck
A home from the fellowship, poise and calm
Write a lyric for the song only you can understand
Taste the wine
Race the blind
They will guide you from the light
Writing noughts till the end of time
Surf the clouds
Race the dark
It feeds from the runs undone
Meet me where the cliff greets the sea
HmiRiding hard every shooting star
Come to A/C#life, open mind, have a laugh at the Emiorthodox
HmiCome, drink deep let the Ddam of mind seep
Travel Awith great élan, dance a jig at the Emifuneral
Taste the Abwine
Race the Ebblind
They will Bmiguide you from the Fmilight
Writing Dbsus2noughts till the end of EbtimeEb, Db, Eb
Surf the Abclouds
Race the Ebdark
It feeds Bmifrom the runs unFmidone
Meet me Dbsus2where the Abcliff greets the Ebsea
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