

Anouk - Sacrifice Anouk - Sacrifice | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
EWho's the one that makes you Bhappy
DWho's the one that always makes you Alaugh
EWho's the reason you're Bsmiling
DAnd dragged you through these time, so Arough
EI was the one that made you Bhappy
DI was the one that eased the Apain
EBut I'm the reason that you're Bcrying now
DMy own tears scattered by the Arain
EYou can sacrifice Bme
DYou can sacrifice Ame
EYou can set me Bfree
DYou can be who you wanna Abe
EDeeper than deep you took me on a Btrip baby
DYou shared your wildest dreams and Amore
EYou dare me to express my feelings Bto you
DI never felt that need Abefore
EBut suddenly you needed Bfreedom
DYou felt the need to break Afree
EYou started drowning in your Bsorrow
DYou didn't wanna know I had Athe key
EYou can sacrifice Bme
DYou can sacrifice Ame
EYou can set me Bfree
DYou can be who you wanna Abe
EYou, you, you ...B D A
sacrifice Eme, sacrifice Bme, ...
DYou can be who you wanna
AYou can be who you wanna Ebe
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