Nick Cave & Bad Seeds: Nick Cave obhajuje hudbu Kanyeho Westa - Australský zpěvák a hudebník Nick Cave nedávno zveřejnil přání, aby na jeho poh... -
They Amocall me the wild AmoroEmise,
But my Gname was Eliza BDay
Why they Emicall me that I do not AmiknEmiow,
For my Eminame was DEliza EmiDay
From the Emifirst day I saw her I knew Gshe was the one
She Amistared in my eyes and Bsmiled
Her Emilips were the colour of the Groses
That Amigrew down the river, All Bbloody and wild
When he Emiknocked on my door, And Gentered the room
My Amitrembling subsided in Bhis sure embrace
He would Emibe my first man,And Gwith a careful hand
He Amiwiped up the tears, That Bran down my face
On the Emisecond day, I brought her a Gflower
She was more Amibeautiful, Than any Bwoman I'd seen
I Emisaid do you know, Where the Gwild roses grow
AmiSo sweet and scarlet and Bfree
On the Emisecond day he came, With a Gsingle red rose
He said, AmiGive me your loss and your Gsorrow
I Eminodded my head, As I Glay on the bed
If I Amishow you the roses will you Bfollow
On the Emithird day he took me to the Griver
He Amishowed me the roses, And we Bkissed
And the Emilast thing I heard, Was a Gmuttered word
As he Amiknelt above me with a Brock in his fist
On the Emilast day I took her, Where the Gwild roses grow
As she Amilay on the bank, The wind Blied as a thief
And I Emikissed her goodbye, Said All Gbeauty must die
And I Amileant down and planted a Brose tween her teeth