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Metronome Prague: RagnBone Man vystoupí na festivalu Metronome Prague 2025 - Metronome Prague postupně odtajňuje velká hudební jména, která ozdobí program nadc... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Metronome Prague: Metronome Prague oznámil první hvězdu, dorazí Alanis Morissette - Thank U, Ironic, You Oughta Know a další megahity zazní v červnu 2025 na Výstavišti... - IREPORT | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Metronome Prague: Alanis Morissette zazáří na Metronome Prague 2025 - Thank U, Ironic, You Oughta Know a další megahity zazní v červnu na Výstavišti Prah... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Alanis Morissette: Alanis Morissette překročila padesátku: Zpěvačka obřího hitu se za 30 let skoro nezměnila - Alanis Morissette se zřejmě nejvíce zapsala do povědomí široké veřejnosti devades... - extra.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Grammy: Alanis Morissette oslavuje 50 rokov a vyráža na turné - Kanadská speváčka, skladateľka a gitaristka Alanis Morissette oslavuje životné jubi... - zoznam.sk | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Adele: Nové desky 24/2022 - od Foals přes Sigmu po Grey Daze s Chesterem Benningtonem - S blížícím se létem si můžete zatancovat se Sigmou nebo Foals. Bude je doplňovat ... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Alanis Morissette: RECENZE: Alanis Morissette se vzdala písniček a víceméně i zpěvu - Aby bylo jasno, nová deska Alanis Morissette se z její dosavadní diskografie vymyká. ... - idnes.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Alanis Morissette: Alanis Morissette vydá v létě meditativní desku. Poslechněte si první ukázku - Kanadská písničkářka Alanis Morissette připravuje poměrně nečekanou nahrávku. P... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Alanis Morissette: Alanis Morissette pracuje na sitcomu na motivy svého života. No, není to ironické? - Život Alanis Morissette byl asi pořádná legrace. Zpěvačka totiž oznámila, že pro... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Alanis Morissette: MINIRECENZE: Sydney Sprague na 'maybe i will see you at the end of the world' doufá až do konce - Když před čtvrtstoletím vydala Alanis Morissette desku "Jagged Little Pill", zárove... - musicserver.cz | ![](images/spacer.gif)
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Alanis Morissette - Joining You Alanis Morissette - Joining You | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] *** Autor textu: Alanis Morissette *** Autor hudby: Alanis Morissette |
dear Cmidar(lin') your Asmom (my frCmiiend) left a meAsssage on my maCmichine
she was franAstic saying you were talCmiking crazy G
that Cmiyou wanted to Asdo away with yourseCmilf
I guess she thought Asi'd be a perfect reCmisort
because we've had this iAsnexplicable conCminection since our yGouth
and yCmies they're in shocAsk
they are pCmianicked you and your chAsronic them and their dCmirama
you this embarAsrassment us in the mCmiiddle of this delusiGon
if Emiwe were our boCdies
if Emiwe were our fuCtures
if Emiwe were our Cdefenses i'd be jAoining you
if Emiwe were our cuClture
if Emiwe were our leCaders
if Emiwe were our Cdenials i'd be jAoining you
CmiI remembAser vividly a dCmiay years ago we were Ascamping you knew more than you tCmihought you should know
you said As"I don't want ever to Cmibe brainwashed"G
and yCmiou were minAsdboggling you were inCmitense
you were unAscomfortable in your own sCmikin
you were tAshirsty but mostly you Cmiwere beautiful G
if Emiwe were our naCmetags
if Emiwe were our reCjections
if Emiwe were our ouDtcomes i'd be joining youA
if Emiwe were our inCdignities
if Emiwe were our suCccesses
if Emiwe were our eDmotions i'd be joining you A
Cmiyou and AsI we're like 4 year Cmiolds we want to knowAs why and how come about Cmieverything
we want to Asreveal ourselves at wiCmill and speak our mGinds
and Cminever talk Assmall and be intuCmiitive
and question mighAstily and find Cmigod
my tortured bCmieacon we need toCmi find like-minded Gcompanions
if Emiwe were their Ccondemnations
if Emiwe were their proCjections
if Emiwe were our paDranoias i'd be joining you A
if Emiwe were our inCcomes
if Emiwe were our obCsession
if Emiwe were our aDfflictions i'd be joining you A
Cmiwe need reAsflection we nCmieed a really good memAsory feel free to Cmicall me
a little more often
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