A-h-a - Hunting high and low A-h-a - Hunting high and low | Transpozícia: [+1 +2 -1 -2] |
AmiHere I am and withFin the reach of my Fmihand she Amisound asleep and
FSweeter now than my Dbwildest dream Cmicould have seen her. And I
waAbtch her slipping aGway.
But I Fknow I'll be
®:Ghunting Asus4high and low G, Fmaj7high__Dmi
There's no Ami7end to the lengths A7I'll Dmigo Emito,
FhuntGing Asus4high and low G, Fmaj7high Dmi
There's no C end to the Emi7 lenghts I'll Dmigo Gto.
AmiFind her again, upon Fthis my dreams are Fmidepending.
AmiThrough the dark, I Fsense pounding of Dbher heart Cminext
to mine. She's the Absweetest love I could Gfind. So FI'll guess
R: + Do you know what it means to love you
Ami G, F, Dmi7, C B Ami Emi F
G I'm hunting Ami high and low G and Fmaj7 now she's telling me she's
got to Amigo away
G, F Dmi Cmi Bb Ab G
FI'll always be huGnting Asus4high and lowG, Fmaj7only for you
Dmi Watch me Ami7tearing myself A7to DmipiecEmies, FhunGting
Asus4high and low G, Fmaj7high_____Dmi There's no Cend to the
Emi7lenghts I'll Dmi7go to Emi7 F for yGou I'll be hunting
Amihigh and low G, F, C, Dmi, A
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